My husband mentioned that he and a few of his co-workers were planning to get together soon since they haven't seen each other since March when the pandemic sent everyone home to work. He mentioned that it was just the employees and not their spouses as to keep the numbers down. I find that strange that they are planning to get together but the spouses can't come. Yeah, I've heard of some companies having Christmas parties and spouses are not invited but this is different. HE didn't say where it was going to be or even when but I have a problem with that. He works with guys and girls. Should I be concerned that he's going to a get together with members of the opposite sex without me?
This is not a holiday gathering, they're just getting together because they haven't seen each other in months. They only talk now via the company Skype. Thank sfor the b-day greetings. Yeah, he gave me a gift on my actual b-day which was Wed but I guess he doesn't buy into the idea that it's my birthday month.