What is marriage all about?

2020-11-12 4:45 am
Besides sex, what is the purpose of marriage? What goes on in a typical or non-typical marriage? 

回答 (14)

2020-11-12 6:56 am
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I've been married for 27 years and this is 2nd marriage for both of us. Our marriage is based on mutual respect, humor, adventures, common interests, commitment and companionship. We have found ourselves in a relatively easy to maintain relationship that is loving, warm and comforting. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
2020-11-12 4:46 am
Really the purpose of marriage is to provide a stable relationship in which to bring up children. Marriage is a promise to stay together, and children need a stable family. 
2020-11-12 6:42 am
Commitment, Trust, Self-Reliance that is acceptable is Negotiation, Boundaries, Space apart spending time on projects that are enriching, for example signing up for a hobbie away from your spouse, balancing work between schooling and life in a family, Doing memorable things for one another, finding time to socialize with others as well while prioritizing spiritual matters say like church or a business. Non traditional may not have established specific rules people may or may not agree with your schedule or activities, a power struggle between two people who cannot compromise, dedicating your life to serve the needs of that person that will not do the same for you. Canceling of plans, or postponing important events like family gatherings or time that must be spent wisely with the family. Things like bailing out everytime a partner invites you out to eat or just spending too much time on other things instead of showing appreciation for each others time or the family. The right balance can be found in communication, respect, creativity, time management, emotional maturity, and spritual commitment. 
參考: JW.org Bible studies Cooking Going to school Spending time with family Hobbies Crafts Music Outdoor activities Planning Meditation Exercising
2020-11-12 6:13 am
You become life long friends, lovers, spouses who shoulder together the debts and the challenges and help each other through and over the hurdles and celebrate the good times you have shared and the blessings you have created together in partnership. It can be really cool. Some folks prefer to go it alone, many appreciate a partner. 
2020-11-13 2:52 am
Marriage for a man is marrying someone to take the place of his mother (Taking care of him) plus having guaranteed sex with wife. 
Marriage for a woman is her being stupid enough to think she is marrying someone who she thinks wants companionship, loves her, Respects her and wants to build a life with her and unfortunately realizes too late that isn’t the case at all and that men only see women as their own personal sexual release and men have no problem and feel entitled to sleep around while the wife is at home raising their children trying to keep from falling apart 
Stay Single.
2020-11-14 3:41 am
Many of us believe that we've come an awful long way as regards marriage compared to Neanderthal times when we all knew very little about what each sex's role was. However, was back then more enjoyable for both sexes as opposed to women having to adhere to outdated 100 y/o laws that still imprison them to being manhandled unfairly and still somewhat chained to the kitchen sink!  Never will women be equally recognised for their worth/talent let alone be understood for wanting to be independent and have their choices met whatever the topic. In short, marriage has become a battleground of nothing short of toxic onslaught behaviour from both parties that usually end in divorce or one killing the other either emotionally or literally!
2020-11-12 6:52 am
You don't need to be married to have sex, so I guess there's no purpose in marriage.
2020-11-12 4:47 am
There are so many divorces these days because marriage is pretty pointless, and heavily biased to men. In the past it was security, it had religious meaning, now many women wearing white dresses don't even know what a white dress is supposed to mean.
2020-11-13 12:36 am
it's like an agreement to raise the kids and share the expenses. In addition to have a partner to have sex with, but females forget about that and stop backing it up good or often. 
2020-11-12 11:26 pm
and control  
2020-11-12 5:40 am
Many times, its nothing put ongoing busting your butt to make ends meet, a wife complaining about everything, her trying to control you like a dog. You do not need to be married to have kids. So, I have no idea. Im tired of their games, im single and staying that way..I have  BFF, we feel the same, we both have great lives, and plenty of money to enjoy it.
2020-11-19 10:08 pm
Besides intimacy, I believe marriage is about loving each other to living with one another for the rest of the their life.
2020-11-14 8:11 pm
and even more rubbish
2020-11-12 5:27 am

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