Do you think it sounds like? ?

2020-12-28 3:57 am
Do you think it sounds like my family isn’t accepting or listening to my wants? I’m 35 living on my own I live down the shore in New Jersey. I personally think north jersey is better I want to move closer because all my friends live there I’m far from them. When I discuss this with my uncle he tells me he thinks the shore is better and doesn’t always listen to my wants of going back up north he tells me negative things. I got in touch with a guy I dated from college I’m far from him. It can be frustrating when you have a goal and family doesn’t listen to what you want. I will keep standing up for what I want even if they don’t like it. Since I live on my own I don’t need their approval. There are reasons why I like the north better. 

I also have my dad besides my uncle I don’t live with any of them as I said I’m 35 I live on my own so I have a right to decide. 

回答 (3)

2020-12-28 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are 35, why are you asking any family about your life decisions? Do as you want, forget the family advise.
2020-12-28 8:18 am
it might sound like that, maybe you should talk to them about it
2020-12-28 4:04 am
The only member of your family you have mentioned is your uncle, whose opinion you do not share. At 35 you can surely make up your own mind.

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