Am I just in my feelings or is he doing too much?

2021-02-03 7:47 pm
My husband's only biological daughter announced to him and us last July that she was expecting her 1st child.  She's 24.  Ever since everyone in his family has gone overboard over it.  Both of his parents are still alive and this will be their first "official" great-grandchild.  My husband made sure we went and bought a crib and stroller/car seat combo for our house so when the baby comes over she'll have somewhere to sleep.  He's bought clothes, and a ton of baby accessories already.  The other night he said he had to run an errand after work and was gone nearly 2 hours.  When he came back he had a big decorative box to put some items in for her baby shower this weekend.  Last night after he got off work he ran another errand and came back with a big gift bag and bow for another gift he bad bought.  It seems that ever few days a package is being delivered with baby items.  My husband has 5 other grandkids.  2 by my son and 3 by his adopted daughter and he loves them all to death but I think he's going overboard for this new one.  When he walked in last night I couldn't hide my reaction and literally rolled my eyes at him which he noticed.  Maybe I'm feeling some sort of way because when my son's girl was pregnant he didn't really do anything.  Granted, she's 4 now and he'll give her the moon but I think he's going overboard for this new baby.  Him, his sister (his daughter's favorite aunt), and his mom (grandma) have bought so much stuff until I'm tired of hearing about her.

We usually get my son's oldest daughter every other weekend and my husband would love to have her here more but my fear is that he's going to want this new baby to be over here all the time.  The mom is already planning to come stay with us the last week or so of her pregnancy so he can drive her to the hospital when she goes into labor and then come home with us for a few days after the baby is born because she said she's a little nervous about having a new baby.  Yes, she has her own apt.  


Maybe I'm feeling that he's doing all of this and making these decisions without me.  Honestly, when my 4 year old granddaughter comes over she tires me out so I don't want a repeat of that with this new baby.  

回答 (6)

2021-02-04 12:12 am
Yep. You are "just in my feelings" AND he's doing too much. This is who he is and, apparently, this is what he can afford. He wasn't around when you had your sons. I think you need to get straight with yourself about all this. Don't piss on his parade but it's okay to share that his daughter has other people who want to be able to give presents too and so overwhelming her with things might make it HARDER for her to function after the baby is born than it will make it easier and, keeping in mind the space she lives in, perhaps he can ask her what she needs. Keep in mind that you were Grandma with your Grandkids.... nothing in your note implies that his daughter has a Mom spoiling her. 
2021-02-06 2:15 am
Funnily enough your "husband" was asking the same question from his own perspective recently. Wonder if you're actually talking to each other about it. Hmmm... At any rate it's always dangerous to separate out "biological" from adopted or step children/grandchildren. In your husband's version this too-young-to-be-a-mother daughter isn't married or even in a stable relationship. So in reality this is nothing to cheer. But it'll pass eventually and while he'll still continue to enable his irresponsible daughter and lavish praise on her child with time this granddaughter will grow up as all do and probably not have much time for him. I wouldn't turn this into a relationship extinction event. You should however work harder to make sure all the existing grandchildren feel loved. You married someone with some strange almost eugenicist views about offspring. 
2021-02-04 1:10 am
Be grateful. He could be at the bar instead with some bimbo.
2021-02-04 12:49 am
Is there not a father in the picture?
2021-02-03 10:47 pm
So this is his grandchild?  Are your you a total witch?
2021-02-03 7:58 pm
Blood is blood, you cannot change it, roll with it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:28:57
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