He ask why I keep dodging him? Should I tell him the truth?Should I give him a chance?

2021-03-10 7:38 am
This guy likes me. I consider myself average. To me he is not average. Hr is average in looks, but not in every other area. He has a good job, he has great character. He makes,3x what I make. He is around extremely beautiful successful women and very powerful people, everyday. He drives cars that cost 3x what my car is. I rent my home. He owns his home. He's dated women with chiseled bodies, not me. He has his own businesses and radio show. He ask me, you know I want you why do you keep running. I like him but I feel it can't last because we are not compatible. I'm not on his level. He is a great guy but I don't feel I offer enough to maintain his attention 

回答 (3)

2021-03-11 6:13 am
Nah back up a minute. What are you talking about? Your attitude is all wrong here. You should never think a man is better than you. So he drives a fancy car and has a good job and owns his home? That doesn't make him king dingaling. You could easily get a better paid job, save money and get a mortgage and a nice car. So what if someone happens to have nice things, it doesn't mean they were always like that or that they always will be. Anyone can fall on hard times, anyone can live an 'ordinary life' and work their way up the ladder. It has nothing to do with worth. You are worth so much more than those 'chiseled women' you speak of and he knows that. That is why he is with you. Don't run from him. If you like him then give yourself a break and just see what happens. Don't compare yourself to anyone, stay in your lane and be kind to yourself. Never think you are less than. You are worthy of happiness. Please do change this mindset because you need to enter the relationship on equal footing as in you know you are both equal, he is not above you. If you believe he is then it will dictate how you behave towards him, what you accept from him in terms of his behaviour and how you react to things. Just breathe, be calm and know that you are by no means 'average'.
2021-03-10 11:00 pm
just try it girl, stop comparing yourself to others. 
2021-03-10 7:57 am
Give him a chance. Do not say you are not on his level. If it were true, he would not be perusing you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:33:44
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