Me and girlfriend got into a fight but we still going on this vacation this weekend need advice ?

2021-02-19 5:45 am
Me and my girlfriend got into a fight last night and we still have this trip we are going out of town so how can make sure we have a good weekend and work everything out during the weekend?

回答 (4)

2021-02-19 6:52 am
Solve the problem before, or dont go on your vacation.
2021-02-19 5:52 am
try solving it before the weekend. i read something once that really stuck with me - "when you and her/him are fighting, you both need to remember that it's you two vs the problem, not you vs her/him"

hope you both resolve this and have a great trip :)
2021-02-19 5:49 am
Set some rules that you both agree on before going off. Make sure you both stick to them, make it as if it were a vacation challenge and see how it goes. Fights only come from the lack of communication and lack of communication comes from lack of respect/trust for your partner so listen to her and impose (nicely) so that she listens to you as well, it goes both ways. You have to work harder. 
2021-02-19 5:46 am
How about communicate and work out a solution before this vacation comes along? Be a man, offer a solution. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:32:38
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