Ex boyfriend/childhood friend deleted me from his Facebook, why?

2021-02-16 2:57 pm
So he and I were together for a year in a half as teens, and we've known each other most of our lives. We're now in our late 20s. He recently got into a new relationship and I am happy for him but since then I have not contacted him out of respect. Its been months since we last talked but I noticed today that he deleted me off his Facebook. Why would he when l dont bother him? I even stopped liking and commenting on his posts so I won't be a bother and make his gf suspicious.

回答 (3)

2021-02-16 9:11 pm
He probably has a jealous GF, and made him delete all the girls. Good luck to him.
2021-02-16 6:16 pm
You can not move on and end the feelings of hurt if you don't cut all ties to that person. You should do the same. Get rid of anything which reminds you of them otherwise you'll be holding on to those feelings which will impact your next relationship.
2021-02-16 2:58 pm
Wants to start anew.

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