Am I Wrong?

2021-04-14 3:18 am
I'm a single mother of 2 with a dog. I started dating this guy and He ended up moving in with me. Then he had a friend that was living in his car that asked if he could stay with me also although not to happy about it i agreed, so his friend moves in with his dog (pitbull). My boyfriend also gets a dog(pitbull) my apt isn't big only 2 bedrooms. The friend would not help or contribute in anyway so I got tired and told him he had to go. He left his dog with us for another month until I told my boyfriend it was too much. My boyfriend would them move in a family member after some days.My boyfriend is out of work and isn't paying any bills but he's a great guy and made me happy, his dog on the other hand was very stinky..pooped everywhere and chewed everything. I asked him of his sister would keep the dog, he gets mad at me, we have a huge fight and break up. Anything he needed I would do for him but I start to set boundaries and I'm all kinds of bitchs now. Am I Wrong?

回答 (11)

2021-04-14 3:33 am
First mistake was allowing a friend - who YOU don’t know move in.  
Second mistake was allowing a dog in. I would never ever have a pit bull in the house with my kids. This isn’t a pit bull you raised fro a pup. This is a strange dog you never met.
You allow all this into your two bedroom apartment!!! 
I would really rethink my thought process. You have children. Sorry but IMO you are not making them a priority or making good decisions. 

The dogs would be gone along with the boyfriend. Allow him to get his act together by himself.   This isn’t a great guy. And you don’t sound at all happy.
2021-04-14 10:54 pm
What you mean to say is "I'm a single mother of 2 and a dog".
2021-04-14 5:17 am
Yes, you are wrong for bringing strange men in to your home, making your children live with dirty untrained animals, and letting your ex treat you like a mule. You are a mother, your first priority should have been the safety and wellbeing of your children. You don't have the luxury of making foolish choices and entertaining losers. Don't date again until you raise your standards and learn how to say no.
2021-04-14 4:29 am
You thought he was a great guy who made you happy but he sounds like a guy who behaves this way in a serial fashion and he's now looking for his next mark. ALL the requests he and his friend made were over the top ridiculous and completely disrespectful to you. You were not "wrong", you were mistaken in your estimation of his character. Three adults and three dogs in a 2 bedroom apartment is likely against any lease anywhere that you could have signed. It's nuts. You were dating a bum and then let him and his bum friend move in with you. That was not a good plan!
2021-04-16 2:53 am
right and wrong are pretty immaterial.  I'm more concerned with why you would settle for this loser.  I must have more self respect than you have.
2021-04-14 3:28 am
he took advantage of you and did not train his dog either and you should be happy he is out of your life.  Your children are better off without a free loader to teach them the wrong way to be.
2021-04-15 7:40 am
Everything you did up until you asked his sister to keep the dog was wrong. Being so passive that you refer to letting an adult male move in with your vulnerable children "ended up" as opposed to being an affirmative decision after years of dating and background checking doesn't make for good parenting. Grow a spine, Mom. Your kids are supposed to be your primary focus and having some fool around who doesn't even contribute financially isn't teaching your children how to be good people. 
2021-04-15 3:39 am
No you are not wrong. Stick with the boundaries you've set.
2021-04-14 4:22 am
No, you were very right to toss them all out of your home. Good for you for standing up to them.
2021-04-19 11:18 pm
You more than wrong but not for the excuse you gave! You have 2 children and only live in a 2 bedroom place, yet you meet some unemployed homeless loser who you barely know, move into your home!!?? 😲😖😱🥵🤪That's bad enough, then you allow him to really disrespect and use you more by letting another POS lowlife move in!? SMH! They think so little of you that the other homeless lowlife doesn't bother asking and brings a pittbull into your place. If that's not galling enough, the creep you were "dating", also gets a dog, who he lets poop all over your place, destroy your things...then one at a time moves "family" members into your home!?

Do you realize how much you endangered your children?

Thousands and thousands of babies, tots and young children of single mothers, are beaten, molested, tortured, raped, brutalized, an murdered by these women's "boyfriends" who all allowed these monsters to move in with them. None of thee POS had jobs, many times they "babysat" while mommy went to work. Your scenario was even worse because at least those monsters didn't move other jobless POS with  pittbulls in with them...So, did you allow these strange nonworking, broke and homeless users to watch you kids while you were gone away from your home? Whether you went to work or ran errands, is beyond appalling. I hope that  you are trolling because the more I read what you wrote, the more angry I get! You need to read the daily stories about poor innocent babies brutalized, raped and savagely murdered by "mother's" letting these vile monsters move in!

You should have your children taken away from you. SMH!
".My boyfriend is out of work and isn't paying any bills 🤬😱but he's a great guy and made me happy, his dog on the other hand was very stinky..pooped everywhere and chewed everything."
" I asked him of his sister would keep the dog, he gets mad at me, we have a huge fight and break up""Anything he needed I would do for him 😡😠🤮😖😬but I start to set boundaries and I'm all kinds of bitchs now""Then he had a friend that was living in his car that asked if he could stay with me.."
"My boyfriend would them move in a family member after some days.My boyfriend is out of work and isn't paying any bills but he's a great guy and made me happy"I really hope and pray that you are just trolling and do not have any children! Beyond disturbing behavior...
2021-04-14 3:20 am
Pets will destroy a relationship just like they do with your favourite shoes. I suggest next time you adopt a no dogs policy and euthanise yours to show that you are serious about it. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:43:14
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