
Lv 2
回覆: 18
2007-03-09 1:42 am
Are athiest glass half empty people?
回覆: 36
2007-03-09 3:26 am
if their were no God. doesn't that mean their would be no atheist's??
回覆: 14
2007-03-09 2:28 am
Interesting blend between Creationism and Evolution?
回覆: 37
2007-03-09 2:15 am
Is there ONE right religion?
回覆: 44
2007-03-09 2:07 am
What religion/belief are you?
回覆: 30
2007-03-09 1:52 am
I hear Hell throws much better parties....?
回覆: 28
2007-03-09 1:46 am
Can all the R&S unbelievers hang out in hell together? How should we decorate?
回覆: 12
2007-03-08 5:21 am
women are soooo second rate (so says the bible)?
回覆: 28
2007-03-08 5:17 am
Christians: is this fair and just?
回覆: 10
2007-03-08 5:26 am
are the atheist secret societies on the attack?
回覆: 28
2007-03-08 5:09 am
my parents are so religious and make me and my sister go to church every sunday...?
回覆: 9
2007-01-05 2:01 am
What is Satanism?
回覆: 24
2007-01-05 1:55 am
Christians: Should why should atheists/agnostics care at all about being moral?
回覆: 18
2007-01-05 1:58 am
so what is really so "bad" about satanism?
回覆: 11
2007-01-05 1:54 am
can anyone tell me how to be popular in middle school?
回覆: 24
2007-01-05 1:50 am
why would would Marilyn Manson would have said "I want to be the man known for bringing an end to Christianity
回覆: 8
2007-01-05 1:50 am
do you know of a yahoo group or site about black magick?
回覆: 17
2007-01-05 1:48 am
is brown better than orange?
回覆: 19
2007-01-05 1:38 am
Can this exist?
回覆: 16
2007-01-05 1:24 am
回覆: 28
2007-01-05 2:46 am
Why can't CHRISTIANS and atheists debate the merits of religion without attacking each other?
回覆: 36
2007-01-05 2:42 am
Why do hypocrites ask why do Christians judge when they are judging the Christian in making that judgment?
回覆: 20
2007-01-05 2:41 am
Do you want your soul to go to heaven or to hell for eternity?
回覆: 61
2007-01-05 2:12 am
why have i been so much happier all these years now that i do not believe in the existence of god?
回覆: 7
2007-01-05 1:13 am
What do you think about my drawing?
回覆: 59
2007-01-05 1:28 am
Right. Is Jesus God. ? explain your answer.?
回覆: 18
2007-01-05 1:20 am
Why do Christians call Jesus Lord but not King?
回覆: 41
2007-01-05 1:18 am
What makes Jesus unique among the religious leaders of the world?
回覆: 10
2007-01-03 3:20 am
DID evolutionists lie to us?
回覆: 25
2007-01-03 2:48 am
does the soul die?
回覆: 16
2007-01-03 2:12 am
What does a human look more like?
回覆: 21
2007-01-03 1:43 am
A Question for all non-believers...?
回覆: 26
2007-01-02 7:25 pm
why do people take the bible literally word for word?
回覆: 5
2007-01-03 2:41 am
In english language when do you use 'that' and when do you use 'which'. Your help will be appreciated.
回覆: 16
2007-01-03 2:29 am
Even if you don't believe the bible is literally true, do you still admire it as a piece of literature?
回覆: 14
2007-01-03 2:11 am
Where in the world is god?
回覆: 15
2007-01-03 2:14 am
Why are people always telling me what is right and wrong?
回覆: 24
2007-01-03 2:10 am
I'm stopping my sister from converting to christianity and now shes mad what should i do?
回覆: 15
2007-01-03 2:10 am
Why don't atheists believe?
回覆: 20
2007-01-03 1:56 am
If one went to heaven for eternity, would it get boring?
回覆: 7
2007-01-02 7:36 pm
If i was a wally cleaver perfect christian; then I would be sinless?
回覆: 24
2007-01-02 7:37 pm
If You could get away with never wearing socks again for the rest of Your life, would You?
回覆: 38
2007-01-02 7:34 pm
is there a limit to Gods love and forgiveness if you cant stop committing the same sin?
回覆: 33
2007-01-02 7:31 pm
if christians believe in eternal life why do they say god gave his son to die for us?
回覆: 24
2007-01-02 6:35 pm
Why Do people beleive in Bilble ....?
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