if christians believe in eternal life why do they say god gave his son to die for us?

2007-01-02 7:31 pm
if heaven is real and that is where jesus went them how exactly did he die for us? if anything he left us to suffer while he took his son to paradise.
couldnt be a contradiction in christianity could it?

回答 (33)

2007-01-02 7:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ur right.. i dont believe that stuff at all
2007-01-02 7:35 pm
no, it could not.
there are NO comtradictions in God's Word, no matter how hard humans try to distort it for their use.
Jesus went to Heaven to make a place for us, His believers, so "that where He is, we may be also."
2007-01-02 7:33 pm
You're an idiot! His body died and was resurrected. So he suffered, died and rose again for our sins. Try to do your research before making yourself look like an idiot.
2007-01-02 7:34 pm
if i knew my dad was gonna send me back to heaven after i died, i would died to save the humankind.
2007-01-02 7:36 pm
The strongest covenant to have with God is of blood. that is why in the OT they were sacrificing sheep for sins. when Jesus died he took the place of all the sheep, he was the last sacrifice! therefore, when his blood spilt and his flesh died, it cleansed all those who believed and the ones who will believe. Jesus was God, he came from heaven and he returned to his home, and for those of us who believes in him, we will return home to be with him one day.
2007-01-02 7:36 pm
No. Jesus died on the cross FOR US. It is even in your question. He died to save us, to blot out our transgressions and iniquities. Jesus chose to die for us too, at any point he could've gotten off the cross but He didn't.
2007-01-02 7:36 pm
are you serious? Everyone has eternal life. Who you are is your soul or spirit. That lives for eternity. Our carnal body dies, which I think everyone knows. Jesus' earthly body died too. His spirit did not, just like everyone else. Eternity is for all of us, the only thing that differs is where we spend it. Jesus defeated death and sin, meaning that we can have eternal life. I don't think I'd call it life if I was in hell. Abundant life is what a Christian is promised in eternity.
2007-01-02 7:35 pm
To understand what that means, we need to understand the main purpose of Christ dying. All of us have sin in our hearts. Whether it's telling the occasional white lie, or murder, we are all sinners. In the old testiment, the punishment for sin was death (or hell) Gods requirement to have sins forgiven and therefor inherit the Kingdom, is blood. The requirement in the old testiment, was to sacrifice animals to have thier sins forgiven. Jesus came as the ultimate blood sacrifice. Because he died, our sins are forever forgiven and blood sacrifices are no longer necessary. That's why he's called the Lamb of God. He was the ultimate sacrifice!! Thank you Jesus. Now by faith if we simply believe in Jesus, our sins are forgiven!!
2007-01-02 7:34 pm
The bible is one contradiction after another
2007-01-02 7:33 pm
No, you're over-thinking it.
He died so that we wouldn't go to hell, that's why.
2007-01-02 7:41 pm
your concept is mixed up..... earth is a free will zone... and there are effects from sins..... the energy one sends out is the same energy one gets back...... and if you kill... you will be killed.. if you blind some one ... you will be blinded....this is a law of the universe (just like the law of gravity)... what you do to others will be done back to you....... but.... now if you forgive some one for blinding you ...(instead of blinding them back)..... if you forgive... then you break the sin cycle... and you start thinking like God. .... thats why Jesus came to earth....to explaine this to us....and to leave his spirit to help .
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
No, it's not a contradiction. We're all made of three elements, Body, Soul and Spirit. The body will die. The Soul is the thing that animates the body and we are all Spirits. It is the Spirit that lives forever and we ALL live forever. It's just WHERE we live that is determined by our actions while here on earth. Heaven or The Lake of Fire.

Jesus was sacrificed to pay the debt that we all owe, so that we could be in heaven.

There's no contradiction.
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
On our own, we (man) do not deserve heaven. However, Jesus paid for our weaknesses by his death on the cross.
2007-01-02 7:38 pm
He died as a sacrifice for our sins. The other part that you omit is that he was resurrected. The bible says he goes to prepare a place for us and will return:

John 14:1-3

14:1 "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.
14:2 "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
14:3 "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.
2007-01-02 7:36 pm
cuz He did....WE WOULDNT HAVE ANY CHANCE BEYOND flesh without Him...instead of attacking why not think of how you can help yourself///no bELLYACHING PRAY THY CKINGDOM COME INSTEAD OF WASTING TIME..!
2007-01-02 7:35 pm
Not a contradiction---Jesus died on the cross in order to pay the penalty of sin FOR US that we then might have eternal life if we just accept HIS sacrifice in our behalf.
2007-01-02 7:34 pm
they believe in physical death and immortality of the soul. god's son is living in eternity ( i guess.. i dunno.. im atheist)
2007-01-02 7:35 pm
because the bible and the whole religion is more made up that lord of the rings
2007-01-02 7:33 pm
Jesus had an Earthly birth and an EARTHLY DEATH.
how exactly did he die for us?

On a Wooden Cross.

2007-01-05 12:11 am
dear me no! it's not a contradiction you just dont understand the whole story.

Right... Heaven IS real.
Christians do beliuve in eternal life... thats after we die.. in Heaven or Hell. although if its in Hell its really eternal death rather than eternal life.

So we're all sinners, we all do things wrong. Thats our fault because of adam and eve.

So God sent his son Jesus, who was a man... but also God. So he was a human, but no tthe same as all the rest of us because as he was God too... he was perfect and he didnt have any sin in him.

God sent him into the world so he could die on the corss... and God could put his punishment that was meant for us onto Jesus. So now... when someone comes to God and asks for forgiveness... and means it.. they dont want to go to Hell... and they really and appreciate what Jesus did for them in dying on the corss for them... God forgives us... and instead of god seeing us as dirty and sinful... he sees us as clean and perfect like Jesus, and good enough for Heaven!

We can never earn our own way there because of our sin, we have to be perfect to get in and we can only do that through trusting in Jesus..

Christians give their lives to him because they love him for what he has done for them. They folow commandments out of free will, and sometimes get things wrong but we can always go back to God for forgiveness... though that isnt an excuse to sin still... but we're human and can't help it.. until we get to heaven.

anyway that is how Jesus died FOR us... in our place... but he also rose again from the dead. he beat death when he did that so now he's in Heaven... which is hois reward for what he did.. he didnt have to come to this grotty planet and live here and be hated by people and crucified on a cross but he did because he loved us.

so i hope that clears up any thoughts of contradictions? =)
2007-01-03 1:55 pm
He did it for us. He chose to let His Son, Jesus, die rather than let us die for our sins. " He so loved the world."
It shows his love for us.
2007-01-02 8:06 pm
I'm not sure what you are thinking is a contrafiction? Without the atonement there is no salvation. Let's consider what Adam was? Genesis explains the creation of man in the likeness of God. Gen. 2 explains how this works. God formed man from the dirt(the body) and breathed in a spirit and the two became a living soul. When God made Adam and placed he and Eve in the Garden he gave him instruction that he should not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden or he would surely die. Eve was tempted and did eat and gave Adam to eat. Therfore death came to man and he was kicked out of the garden. Now sin and death had come to mankind. God was righteous so the wages of sin is death and God was in this way seperated from man.From this time on man was in sin and could not be righteous with God. Man made sacrifice to God to be forgiven of his sins and God sustained man but man was still under the curse of sin. Now God's plan for man was to be with God forever but a righteous God could not be joined to sin. God had a plan from the begining to make man right he knew man had a sin nature and would fall. God could not call righteous what was unrighteous and the penalty of sin is death. Therfore God himself came ot the world in the form of man Jesus who was a part of the whole of God as I explained earlier man was created in the image of God body and spirit being a living soul. God is Father Son and Holy Spirit. God sent The son Jesus in the form of man to be tempted as a man and to overcome temptation and remain perfect and to lay down his flesh and die to pay the penalty of death for man to pay the penalty of death for those who would accept the atonement. Christ being the perfect son of God then was resurrected in his flesh was then changed in his flesh and joined the father againin heaven leaving his people a comforter which is the Holy Spirit. Now through faith those who accept the atonement have become new creatures joined agian with God in newness of life and faith in the resurrection knowing they too will be resurrected. Now We are new creatures by faith and are joined to God through this atonement provided by God through Jesus and will be resurrected and have eternal life with him.
2007-01-02 8:08 pm
Christianity contradicts itself all over the place. That's one of the reasons why I don't have much time for it.
2007-01-02 7:48 pm
Have you a son,and if so would you send him to the cross to suffer for all the people who are sinners.Would you let your son be hung on a cross to rid the world of evil.Remember he was crucified but rose again ,that is what god can do .When you have sinned he can lift you again and when you are reborn your life will change.Jesus was so brave and loved his father so much ,remember he asked FATHER WHY DO YOU FORSAKE me.God didnt he gave him eternal life and the chance for sins to be forgiven.
2007-01-02 7:46 pm
visit this website http://www.truthcaster.com

You will learn many things.
2007-01-02 7:45 pm
Jesus did die for us so that we may have a better life.Before he came there was this form of law e.g if you commit adultery you will be kill or stuff like that, but he came to change all that and taught us how to forgive be humble,love one another e.t.c.Human's are adamant and wicked in their heart that why they killed him and rebuffed his doctrine and commandment
2007-01-02 7:42 pm
No, actually, you missed a huge chunk of it. A great place to ask question about this is find a Biblical scholar, or go to a Christian Forum. But I will sum it up. Before Jesus died, everyone went to hell, because nobody was righteous. Jesus' death covers our sins if we accpet it so we can get to heaven, when He died he spent 3 days in hell getting everyone out who should've been in heaven. God is seperate from sin. We couldn't go to Heaven without being covered with the coat of righteousness. Many blessings to you!
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
Jesus Christ came as a physical man, without sin. He lived as others lived in His day. He did die, was buried and rose again. He ascended to the Father to take His rightful place at the right hand of the Father. The Holy Spirit was sent to indwell the called out ones, the elect, giving them the ability to do the will of the Father. He left believers here for a time to spread the Gospel to all we can. He will come again to take us home to be with Him. He promised it, He will fulfill it.
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
so that we could have eternal life in spite of our sins on earth.

Again, just working so hard to disprove a belief system you don't want to believe in. Then leave it alone and stop trying to "convert" others the way that you apparently don't like to be "converted". Oh , silly me - that's a Commandment from the Bible, which you know nothing about, so that explains that.
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
Matthew 22:29
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
Matthew 22:28-30 (in Context) Matthew 22 (Whole Chapter)
2007-01-02 7:37 pm
the World was full of sin... Jesus died for each and every single person for there sins ... its kind of like a second chance .... now what you do with that second chance is on you ... You have heard the truth and you have been taught what is right and wrong .... now that decision on what you wanna do with your life is on you ... u can fulfill the Law and commands of God and join Jesus in paradise or you can do the opposite and spend eternal life in Hell and suffer far greater then what you suffer now ... what we suffer now is nothing compared to what is in store for the people who decides to waste there life and go to hell.... God Bless you and i hope you have made the right decision ..
2007-01-02 7:37 pm
Yes, it's a bit of confusing rhetoric. Death is bad, so Jesus dying was a "sacrifice", so we should be grateful. But because Jesus died, now death is good, so you should believe in Jesus and have eternal life.
Only Jesus didn't really lose anything; he didn't really even die, he just endured some corporeal discomfort. But he was God all along, so what does it matter?
Anyway, you're not supposed to ask those kinds of questions if you want to get into heaven.
2007-01-02 7:35 pm
i think that it means he died, just he went to heaven. it's common knowledge that when your heart stops and what not, your dead, but some go to heaven for enternal life.......yes, it could be a little wrong, because people aren't perfect(well duh), but he did die for us(or if you want to put it, go through alot for us)...that's what i think:)

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