Christians: Should why should atheists/agnostics care at all about being moral?

2007-01-05 1:55 am
Yet atheists and agnostics ARE anyway--just as much as Christians.....
So why should they even care about being moral, when they will not be judged by anything except for whether they 'believed'?
What motivates atheists, yet, to be just as 'good' as the next guy/christian.
Do christians think that Atheists are evil people who are very much more immoral than believers? The statistics don't agree.

回答 (24)

2007-01-05 1:59 am
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Statistics do not matter to me whatso ever
The Bible does
All humans should show some form of Humanity towards their fellow man
But in the end Humanity alone will not save you
The Bible has all the details to save one if they chose it
參考: elvis
2007-01-05 9:58 am
Atheists are usually educated, open minded people. They understand right from wrong and are capable of behaving appropriately. Many Xians need the fear of the lord to make them behave appropriately.
2007-01-05 9:58 am
Thank you.
2007-01-05 9:58 am
I'm a very moral person, thank you very much.

Hail Satan.
2007-01-05 10:00 am
thank you so much for pointing that out about atheists and agnostics as i'm agnostic myself that's the whole point i've been trying to get across you rock seriously
2007-01-05 10:01 am
I'm christian but why should being moral have to deal only with religious beliefs? I personally believe that most people have morals, whether religious or not, because they're personal beliefs that people have on what they themselves think to be a correct way of doing certain things. lol and I certainly don't think athiests are immoral people......I'm religious but my dad's an athiest and he has many morals that he follows because he personally believes in them.
2007-01-05 10:00 am
Atheist here. What motivates me to be moral? Well, I always obey the law...I don't want to go to jail. As far as morality goes...I just believe that doing the right thing is what ALL people should do. I help people in need...I respect my elders...I give to charity...I do my best to help the environment...I try to NOT say the "f" word (much)...etc. I just want to be the best person I can be, without anyone telling me that I should. I have a deep conscious and if I hurt someone by word or action it bothers me a great deal.
2007-01-05 10:00 am
It doesn't matter what your religion is. If you violate someone else's rights,its your fault,and you knew better. If you can not tell what is right and what is wrong without a religious book ,then there is something seriously wrong with you.
And that's my take on the matter....
2007-01-05 10:00 am
First of all, atheists/agnostics should care about being moral because that makes the world a nicer place. Christians have God, we have the Golden Rule. I won't steal from someone, because I don't want someone to steal from me. I'll give to charity because if I ever have it that tough, I'll want people to give to charity to help me. Also, it just feels good.

The people who spout that crap about atheists being violent have a myopic view of the world and want to feel special about themselves. Their logic is that non-Christians have no reason to follow Christian morals, but Christian morals -the rules that they've picked out, anyway- are everyone's morals.

I'll admit it's also sort of fun to see people whose prophet was all about turning the other cheek and helping the lepers and peace get all up at arms when somebody doesn't agree with them.
2007-01-05 9:59 am
In fact the stats go the other way. there are far more christians in jail than atheists.

Perhaps the atheistslearned to fit in with society so as notto get picked on. and they realize that you don't need God to treat your fellow man with respect. However, saying that, Most serial killers are atheists, sadly, so when they go wrong, they do so in big way! Me, I'm agnostic
2007-01-05 9:58 am
Now this will be interesting. Good question.
2007-01-05 10:03 am
atheists want to do good because good is right,
christians want to do good because god said so.
2007-01-05 10:01 am
No, I do not believe athiests to be evil, immoral, etc. I do not judge or group people into a stereotype. I am a Christian and love God, and know how He has helped me and what He has done for my life...but I do not stand and condemn.There are bad people in every walk and belief system, as there are good people also.
2007-01-05 9:59 am
Christians really do not care, that is the funny thing. NOBODY REALLY CARES!!!!!!!!!
2007-01-05 10:38 am
Only hypocrites think that atheists are evil. Don't listen to stuff that supposed "Christians" might say. The way to tell a real Christan is that a real Christan doesn't act better than people but tries to help them. With out morals just imagine, people would be stealing, killing, and other stuff. And the fact that even little children who know not to take other kids toys ought to mean something, everyone was born with morals. most people, if you notice, gradually loose there morals on purpose, and if you think that killing and stealing isn't morals, just think for a while. A lot of things the bible predicted has came true like, wars and rumors of wars, daughters against mothers, sons against fathers, and more stuff. Just read Romans and Revelations. I don't know if that was of any help but you can get this theology CD by Michel Pearl that will clear a lot of up. It was a lot of help for me.
2007-01-05 10:11 am
They should care about being moral because they will be judged.

You will be judged on much more than just "believing". You have to study the scriptures (the Bible), believe what it says and that Jesus is Christ and he can save you, repent of your sins, confess, be baptized, and LIVE FAITHFUL. That part cannot be missed because you will be judged for that, too.

And no, I as a Christian, do not think athiests are evil people who are very much more immoral than Christians. Athiests can be good, kind people. They just have this problem of not seeing the obvious truth.
參考: I am a Christian
2007-01-05 10:03 am
Christians do not think atheists are evil i will tell u that. if they do they are not really showing Christ thru them. most Christians want atheists to see the truth and know there is a God and Jesus is His tru son. and we want them to kno Jesus bcuz even if they do not believe in Him when they die they will be judged by Him like everyone else in the world.
2007-01-05 10:02 am
yes its called ethics....
2007-01-05 10:01 am
" Do unto others " is a good rule to live by whether you think it is superstitionally derived or part of the "Social Contract". Personally, I suspect the sincerity of anyone who has to be compelled to be good by a psychologically disturbed vain vindictive god.
2007-01-05 10:04 am
Human beings have a God given sense of what constitutes right and wrong. That doesn't mean that everyone agrees on everything but for the most part you won't find someone who thinks that it's OK for another person to rob them or murder them or rape their wife. Paul wrote about this to the Jewish believers who were in Rome.

Romans 2:14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. (15) They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them (16) on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.

Some people use this passage to speculate that people who have never heard about Jesus will still have a chance at being saved because God will only judge them for what they know and supposedly if they responded to the natural revelation of God and tried to live a moral life they have a chance at not being condemned or at least not judged as harshly as others.
2007-01-05 10:01 am
I have never heard a Christian say that atheists are immoral. I have heard lots of ignorant atheists CLAIM that Christians think that, but I have never met one who did.

What motivates atheists is the same thing that motivates Christians - because it's right to do good, and wrong to do evil. We all have that imprinted on our souls. If you think that we won't be judged for anything except what we believe, you're striking out against a religion, but it ain't Christianity.
2007-01-05 10:01 am
It depends on what you mean by moral. It seems that most atheists think that as long as you're not hurting anyone, it is okay or morally alright. Atheists don't believe in sin, because it is God who defines sin.

For example: my next door neighbors are living together but they are not married. They are very nice people. They don't breake any laws as far as I know. I like them. Most people would probably say they are moral people, but God would not.
2007-01-05 10:00 am
I have never suggested that atheists and Agnostics cannot be moral rather they have no basis for their moral beliefs. Common sense isn't sufficient because your common sense may be different than mine or the next guy. So my question to you is what basis for moral behaviour can you say is the authoritative voice of Atheists and how do we know if this is good or not? I don't mind thumbs down but this doesn't address what basis for moral behaviour they have and how do they know if this os good or not. It is also important to realise that the Soviet Union and China while being officially athiesticslaughtered millions of their own people. Is this an example of moral behaviour? If not then how do you know your morality is superior to theirs?
2007-01-05 9:58 am
Atheists do not care about being moral...and even if they do will be to no avail without Christ..

"All our righteousness is as filthy rags".... without Christ you are doomed for eternity.... because you have noone who pays for your sins...except yourself....which means ...well, you ought to know by now.

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