Do you want your soul to go to heaven or to hell for eternity?

2007-01-05 2:41 am
Hell is hot, dark and excruciatingly hot. There is no escape once you are there. Your life will belong to the demons that are assigned to torture you and you will be naked.

"The fire is not quenched Mark 9:48".

For the people that are in hell, "the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night Revelation 14:11".

So you see that there is no sleep, no rest, no water, no breaks, no will of your own, no pleasure, just pain and suffering. You have to endure this all.

In addition to billions of people screaming, moaning and hollering, their is and will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:50)".

Does this sound like a place that you want to be?

What about heaven? Heaven is purely tranquil and peaceful. In heaven, you have eternal peace, joy and love forever. How then can you get there?

In John 14:6, Jesus Christ tells us that He is "the way, the truth and the life and that no man cometh unto the Father, but by Him.

Where will you go?

回答 (20)

2007-01-05 2:43 am
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參考: elvis
2007-01-05 2:43 am
Do you want your life to be directed by mythology?
2007-01-05 2:42 am
Heaven... and I want others to go with me! :)
參考: Jesus
2007-01-05 2:42 am
Skip the heaven and hell, I'll just come right back here through reincarnation.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
There is no hell to go to.If there were it would totally contradict the whole lifetime learning experience.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
i hate it when ppl threaten me, i hate it when ppl seduce me, if you christians can stop doing it one day i would like jesus better
2007-01-05 2:42 am
I've already made my decision for Jesus...thanks for the good word...
God bless...keep preaching!
2016-11-27 9:07 am
nicely, a soul in accordance to the bible is a individual or an animal. additionally the bible states flesh can not exist in heaven. the only way a soul can stay continually is only right here in the international. So there's no way "soul" can get away heaven. Hell nicely, this is yet another tale. yet that concept is from pagan and Babylon's faith.
2007-01-05 2:56 am
i want to go to heaven lol (who doesn't) all you have to do to get there is to do good things and don't do wrong things read the bible if you are Christan or read to Koran if your Muslim ( I've read both) to tell you the truth they are about same =0 any who... i guess all i can say is be a good person this life lasts about 80 years but the other life lasts forever!!! a Lot of people don't believe in god but i do. if their isn't a god and when you die you just like don't exist or something, that i think pretty much sucks lol. If their is a god, a heaven, a hell, i would want to go to heaven.
2007-01-05 2:53 am
How exactly do YOU know what heaven and hell are like? Have you been to either place? There is no heaven or hell. But if there was, I'm sure hell would be much more fun. I do have my handbasket picked out just in case.
2007-01-05 2:52 am
What soul? What hell and what heaven? And you still believe in that obsolete mythology? Purely pathetic. Sad and even disturbing. Anyway, enjoy your delusions, and don't be too scared to die, when you are alive the death isn't around, and when you are dead you aren't around anymore.
2007-01-05 2:50 am
I will happily go wherever my Divine Master Jesus Christ determines I shall go. After all, He cannot but send me to wherever it is for my greater good. If He determines that I, his servant, would do better in hell, then by all means I shall obey my Beloved and go there. Can he send me to a place that is not for my greater good? I am simply a worthless servant. (Luke 17:10)...He is the master. I trust in him.
2007-01-05 2:49 am
Well, I don't believe in either. So whatever.
2007-01-05 2:46 am
Its not a sight seeing to go for and that too upon your sweet will. Once death occurs life is out and what is there is human remains.Simply carcass which will be suitably treated you know.
2007-01-05 2:45 am
2007-01-05 2:44 am
Neither you nor I will be the judge of our existence in the next life. Quit wasting time and energy worrying about this and get on with your life. If you want to go to Heaven, you better get busy and do God's work now.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
I'd like to go to heaven and I am positively certain I am.

I have received Jesus Christ as my Savior and I have born again into a brand new person.

I am still a new Christian, though.

I'm glad I'm not deceived by cults (who claim they're Christians when they're really not)... Of course, I won't mention who they are.
2007-01-05 2:43 am
this may be one way of converting people...but it is a bit scary man -=) my fellow christian i believe.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
I don't believe in souls
I don't believe in heaven
I don't believe in hell

You may believe in anything you like, but if you try to force me to share your beliefs, I will retaliate.

I have Lawrence Welk Cd's and I'm prepared to use them!
2007-01-05 2:43 am
heaven, i can't wait to see Jesus

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