I hear Hell throws much better parties....?

2007-03-09 1:52 am
is this true?

回答 (30)

2007-03-09 1:56 am
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Nah, I think you heard wrong.

Its a rumor to make people want to go there.
Besides, Jesus was the one that kept the party going when He turned water into the best wine ever known. That's the party I want to be at!
2007-03-09 1:56 am
I don't know, but the Newsboys say they don't serve breakfast in Hell.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
They are all-queer affairs.
2007-03-09 1:55 am
I hear it's a hell of a place to be....hot parties.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
You heard that from the father of LIES himself....now who do you suppose THAT is?
2007-03-09 1:54 am
2007-03-09 1:58 am
The conversations will certainly be more interesting.
2007-03-09 1:57 am
no, but you probably will find out in the near future..
"first comes life..and then the fireworks"
2007-03-09 1:57 am
No, it's another lie of the Devil to lull people into complacency as they cruise down the broadway to Hell. Just think about it. People who love to sin will be in Hell and they will have no way to satisfy their sinful cravings. There is no sex or drugs or booze or even Rock n Roll in Hell. Just an eternity apart from God with nothing but other people weeping and gnashing their teeth and crying out about how much it SUCKS being dead with no hope ever.

Luke 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
Sure it's better than this mortal existence, but Heaven is better then Hell...period
2007-03-09 1:56 am
Oh yeah u gotta come some time. I recommend wearing something light it gets hot down there.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
Well, it depends if you like temps hot to the extreme..and you like the parties with sin involved...LOL...In my book thats where all the good parties happen or at least the ones that are remembered.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
Yes, but the crowd's a lot rougher.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
naw, all music was banned in 4000 B.C. also, the worms get into the punch bowl....

what a stupid question...
2007-03-09 1:56 am
yes they are so devil-lious parties, y are u thinking of going to one aye..Cool
2007-03-09 1:55 am
2007-03-09 1:55 am
i dont get it????????????
2007-03-09 10:39 am
Probably, but some heavens can be quite nice too. The Flying Spaghetti Monster put beer volcanoes in His. Much more fun than eternal tea parties with Mother Theresa...
2007-03-09 2:35 am
I have not check it out yet.
When you are down there, confirm it and email us.
We will join you there.
Cheers !
2007-03-09 2:17 am
I hear the heart burn is horrible.
2007-03-09 2:16 am
Yep, and you're gonna have a 'Hell' of a good time!
2007-03-09 2:07 am
I wouldn't know from experience but I would know by good sense. Since Hell is about all of the things the world has to offer, then no. Some of us would rather see souls being saved for God than getting high and stupid. A good party is one where a person can enjoy what is going on, can laugh, have fellowship with other friends and smile about what a cool experience it was to be there. If you can't remember what happened because you were to drunk or high, then what's the point? I mean that is what you are saying, isn't it? That Hell throws much better parties? I don't want to know, but I'm sure you are wrong from my viewpoint. Many partying hell-raisers have died at the parties Hell throws. Will you be the next to go? It is really a stupid thing to do!
2007-03-09 2:05 am
Sorry, but the hell (shoel in Hebrew) you have heard of does not really exist. This Mesopotamian doctrine was baptized into the medievea church.
Actually, Hell fire as described by Jesus is hotter than a crematorium because it consumes everyone to ashes--"there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
I want to miss that "party."
參考: Luke 13:28
2007-03-09 1:57 am
Heaven doesnt want me and Hell's afraid Ill take over.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
Have you ever been spelunking? Exploring caves?
Do you know what total isolation is?
Do you enjoy talking?

One possible description of hell:

One will be totally isolated from everything one ever knew.
One will be unable to call out for mercy or anything else.
One will be surrounded in total darkness.
The last thing One will remember ...
is who One was dis-obedient to. <--- The Why!
One then can only weep and mourn.
One then can only grind One's teeth.

One will have burned into One's consciousness the forsaking of the True Creator and Saviour, therefore the worm will never die, always gnawing at the One's conscious for eternity with the burning desire to be forgiven.
2007-03-09 1:56 am
yeah.. if u wanna be the one being cooked alive.. sure
2007-03-09 2:01 am
I think the best afterlife parties are in Valhalla. ;-)
2007-03-09 1:57 am
no they don't believe me you like to get burn go ahead and go down there you going to burn and no they don't who told you that who ever told you that they are a dummy go ahead and believe that **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-09 1:57 am
There are different opinions - check out this free Google video about some who actually got a taste of Hell:

2007-03-09 1:56 am
dont talk fantasies

the best party is a place on earth

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