so what is really so "bad" about satanism?

2007-01-05 1:58 am
assuming christianity and biblical attrocities are "good"?

bad - defined as harm - usually motivated by ignorance and hate by control freaks good - defined as mutual benefit, usually done out of genuine love

回答 (18)

2007-01-05 2:03 am
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I'm Satanic and show love and well intentions towards people who deserve it. Anyone who tried to remove my happiness will be removed, though. We don't turn the other cheek.

There's a lyric that applies to me, from the band Devildriver:

"I am the dog that forever bites back, forever on attack, watching my back"
2007-01-05 10:02 am
Simply because the bible says so. Isnt this the main reason to hate everything different in the end of the day? Christianity doesnt have an actual point to prove something bad or wrong. If the assumption they make off the bible imply it is wrong, then it is wrong and bad. Period.
Its called dealing in absolutes.
2007-01-05 12:59 pm
Howard Anton Levey (a.k.a Anton Szandor LaVey) founded the Church of Satan in 1966 to cash in on the occult craze of the 1960's. LaVey's philosophy is one of hedonism and "free love" (hardly news for the 60's), and featured rituals with his nude wife and bare breasted female followers, which shows why males would want to join...even at the cost of $20 per meeting back then. LaVey didn't live up to his claims nor did he follow his own creed. Even though Satanism eschews charity of any kind, LaVey and his family lived on welfare and handouts during the late 70s-80s. Even though LaVey claimed Satanic magic could give "mastery of the earth", he still died bankrupt in a house he didn't own. LaVey lied about his accomplishments in life (i.e., an oboist for an orchestra, lion tamer, criminologist, etc.)and was in fact, just a high school dropout. While LaVey claimed he tried to "keep the nuts out" and disavowed criminal activity within his Satanic church, he admitted in several writings of engaging in a "cannibal feast" and forced females followers into prostitution...beating them when they did not bring back enough money. In the 1980s his common law wife Diane left him and sued, claiming LaVey beat her all during their relationship, which is confirmed by LaVey's children. LaVey claimed Satanists did not believe in harming children but according to his daughter Zeena, he was the passive witness to the molestation of his grandson Stanton, by a Church of Satan member. LaVey would reverse himself on many issues over the years. At first, the church of Satan welcomed gays and lesbians, but when LaVey saw the only people he could attract were mostly Neo-Nazis, his later writings gave hints of racism and of being anti-gay. After his death, the truth about him came out, but people still plunk down $7.95 for his "Satanic Bible", which is mostly plagiarized from other sources (Atlas Shrugged, Might Is Right, and the writings of Aleister Crowley) .

Of course most Satanists would tell you it's the "worship of the self". Most people who identify themselves as Satanists are the "LaVeyian" variety. Anton LaVey was a liar, fraud, bankrupt wife beating pimp. BTW, one idiot actually had the nerve to say "Everyone beat their wife in the fifties" when informed of this(even though he beat Diane from the 60's into the 80's). And no, not everyone did, and it was still wrong. This shows that rather than standing on their own two feet, Satanists slavishly make excuses for their cult figure, not unlike they way Scientologists do fo L. Ron Hubbard.

LaVey was apraoched by Avon books to wrote a book on witchcraft to cash in on the occult craze of the 1960's. He cobbled together "The Satanic Bible" from a forgotten right-wing political tract (Where of the material from the Book of Satan comes from), Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, and the superstitous occult material of John Dee.

LaVey never really seemed to know what Satanism was himself. Some of his writings seemed atheistic, at other times he called Satan "the dark side of nature" and often refers to Satan as a personification. One thing is for certian, the Satanic Bible gives specific instructions on timing, tools to be used, specific rituals for sex spells, revenge spells, etc (The Book of Belial)., and it seemed he expected results.

Eventually, people realized the spells didn't work, and so began the whole "Well, it's really a philosophy" excuse. In the 1980's, when LaVey was living in poverty he then claimed he was shunning consumer materialism ( a complete role reversal from "Indulgence instead of abstinence!") ala Pee Wee Herman's "I meant to do that!"

LaVey claimed that nuts were given "the bum's rush" when trying to join the Church of Satan, but clearly nut was in the eye of the beholder. LaVey has admited to holding a "Cannibal feast" of a human leg in at least 3 books. The Satanic Bible &Satanic Rituals certainly describe many things most normal people would consider pychotic such as Nude girl is used as an altar (Satanic Bible, Satanic Rituals)A human skull is used in Die Elektrischen Vorspiele ritual (Satanic Rituals, p. 109)Human leg bone or arm bone is used in Homage to Tchort ritual (p.137)
Woman dressed as nun urinates before group into a bedpan in the Black Mass ritual (p.43) Urine is then sprinkled like holy water (p.44)Man climbs into coffin with nude woman (or nude man if he is gay) in Le Epais ritual (p.59).

As a "philosophy", Satanism could be boiled down to hedonism, which was hardly a new idea in the 1960's. Oddly enough, most Satanists don't fit the bill as swingers. Some seem to lead fairly uneventful lives. Here's an example:

"I've been forced to give up coffee - the acid was responsible for a minor ulcer and I can no longer take any chances with my health. This was my solitary vice - now it is gone. I do not drink, do not smoke, do not use recreational drugs and have nothing remotely resembling a sex life!"
--"Lord" Egan of "The First Church of Satan"

Wow! What a swinger! So then the picture begins to develop that Satanism is not so much a philosophy of life as it is a fantasy; a means to escape a life not worth living.

C.S. Lewis was an athiest who discovered the beauty and truth of Christianity and became it's most eloquent defender. I would suggest you read his writings on the subject before dismissing it as a collection of "attrocities". Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, and many, mnay others discovered the beauty of the Christian religion and made the world a better place.
參考: The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, The Devil's Notebook, The Satanic Witch, al by LaVey, et al, The Church of Satan and Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton (ghost written by LaVey), Satan Wants You by Aurthur Lyons, The Crystal Tablet of Set by Michael Aquino.
2007-01-05 10:03 am
Depends on your definition of bad. I don't see anything wrong with it. The Satanists I've known tend to be better people than some of the Christains I've met.
2007-01-05 10:00 am
as I have just mentioned in a previous post the only thing that sucks about satanism are its would be followers who wear all black and don't even understand what Satanism really is and would rather just grasp on to any counterculter that they can.
2007-01-05 10:01 am
satanism =antichrist=absence of God. Nothing is wrong with it-IF you really want to burn in eternal hellfire and torment GO AHEAD DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TAKE THAT CHANCE! God does exist.
2007-01-05 11:37 am
Well truthfully it doesn't matter if you're not a Christian anyways...because either you're for God or you're against him. If you're not serving God then you're hell bound serving Satan will not hurt you any're already damned!

The bible says one sin is no different than other words you are already a sinner because you reject God and his word!

In my own personal opinion though I think someone who would serve Satan would have some serious psychological issues! I mean Satan is the father of sin...he's evil...anyone who would want to worship evil has serious problems! Apparently those in Satanism had troubled childhoods and need something horrible to grasp onto because that's what their used to!

Satanism = freak/wicked/hell bound

May God have mercy on those who worship Satan! May you turn from your wicked ways and realize the error in your ways! May you find the light before darkness surrounds you forever!

Stop being freaks and come to the light...The Lord Jesus Christ who loves you and died for your sins!
2007-01-05 10:13 am
Well, it's the "Do as thou wilt" which gives way to blatant disregard for others. Disregard begets disregard and gets ugly and out of control.
2007-01-05 10:09 am
Volunteering to be on the losing side of a war, while knowing ahead of time that you'll lose. Now that's really absurd in view of the good side being the winners.
2007-01-05 10:08 am
The only thing bad about Satanism is that there are so called Satanists who don't really know what it is.
2007-01-05 10:06 am
There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. You could be a Satanist all your life without knowing it. It has nothing to do with black candles, inverted crosses or pentagrams. All it takes is an effort of the will, the spirit of rebellion. The real "bad" thing is Christianity. It teaches people to be satisfied with unsatisfactory answers, or in other words, to be deluded.
2007-01-05 10:06 am
It means you embrace evil. It means you would prefer the exact opposite of the teachings of Christ, which are the most basic, simple, modest ideals of what is right. Thou shall steal, thou shall murder, thou shall dishonor your mother and father; etc.-
Is that the type of world you want your children to try to live in?
Is that what you in your heart would truely feel comfortable in?
But what is really the most "bad" about satanism, is that somewhere in this life you have people who love you - and you will be following satan into the Lake of Fire, and will be turned to ashes from within - to the great sorrow of those who care for you.
To the great sorrow of all the rest of us.
參考: King James Bible
2007-01-05 10:03 am
The earth is a battle field for men's souls. Deciding who gets your soul will define where you spend eternity. Eternal suffering with the Devil or eternal glory with God.
2007-01-05 10:01 am
It doesn't make sense--if you don't know or believe in God, how would you believe in satan???
2007-01-05 10:01 am
as bad as christianity
if you do something good.............. SATAN DOESNT LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2007-01-05 10:00 am
1 John 2:22
' Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son'
2007-01-05 10:02 am
Nothing if you enjoy torment in hell for all eternity.
2007-01-05 10:02 am
Religion gave rise to dumb as$ satan, so they all can kiss my... be continued.

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