women are soooo second rate (so says the bible)?

2007-03-08 5:21 am
so my younger sister was all trying to get the last piece of pie and she took it before i could get it. I smacked her over the head and yelled God says men come before women! and the pie dropped on the floor. Now my older sister is yelling at me to clean it up. Should i tell her that she is second to man? should i tell her god told me so? she is bigger than me, so will god help me?

well i refer to when god created man he created MAN and then woman. also this question is a joke i love women ;) but still answer pweeze

回答 (12)

2007-03-08 5:25 am
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My guess is she'll cold-cock ya.
2007-03-08 1:26 pm
god says women come second because god was created by men
2007-03-08 1:26 pm
Don't believe everything you read.
2007-03-08 1:25 pm
lol. The bible is a flawed source of gender equality.
2007-03-08 1:27 pm
bible is crap you know, just becaus jesus was so bad at girls...
2007-03-08 1:27 pm
Why are you trying to hold on to the ignorant ideas of ancient people? Don't you realize the bible is a man made book that is nothing but complete fiction!

There is NO GOD!

People made the whole thing up as a way to control the week minded!
2007-03-08 1:35 pm
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm surpised that so many believers are unaware of the explicit bias against women in the Bible.

Starting with God cursing all womanhood for Eve's transgression:

Genesis 3:16
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
2007-03-08 1:32 pm
You don't do well with girls do you. I'm guessing you haven't had a date, well, ever. I hope she uses you to clean up the pie on the floor.
2007-03-08 1:31 pm
According to your reasoning, animals are to be preferred before human males, since they were made before humans. The dog should bite you in the leg "to put you in line", and get the pie.

God making Eve from Adam doesn't make all females "second rate" to men, or inferiour in any way. This is just sexual bias crap wrapped up in spiritual sounding talk!

If you think about it, going by the "order of creation", since woman was created LAST, that should make women SUPERIOUR to men.

You don't deserve any pie. Go wash the dishes for your mama, and stop whining!
2007-03-08 1:27 pm
Well IF you were Muslim you wouldnt get away with it. But since youre Christian, Ya slap your older sister too whats gonna happen? God said you could.
2007-03-08 1:24 pm
liar satan women are not second rate in the bible
2007-03-08 1:25 pm
What Bible are you reading? Mine says nothing of the sort about women. Men and women are co-equal partners in life.

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