Why can't CHRISTIANS and atheists debate the merits of religion without attacking each other?

2007-01-05 2:46 am
That would be interesting. A lot of what goes on here as debate is pure crap and I am ashamed of some Christians here that I don't even know. Personally attacking each other serves no purpose and convinces neither side.

answergirl----that says it all.


Osanka: think about it.


Un, I meant Osana. Sorry


whatever. sorry again

回答 (28)

2007-01-05 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
that would be ideal...
but we all come from different backgrounds, situations & circumstances
so even though are some theists and some atheists that are capable of a
healthy exchange of ideas (without getting personal), there will always be a
few who would just get in there to have some fun & enjoy personal attacks.

so the best thing to do is to be selective
answer only legitimate questions
& consider only sound answers
2007-01-05 2:51 am
Well, if my opponent is being reasonable, I try to attack only their false opinions and belief systems, rather than them personally. I only switch to the latter if I'm up against someone who has lost all pretense of logic and has started spewing pure BS.
2007-01-05 2:50 am
I'm game.

Point: There is no god, nor is there any tangible physical evidence to support that there is.

2007-01-05 2:49 am
Some people can. I wish more could.
2007-01-05 2:49 am
Pride, ego, envy, fear,
2007-01-05 2:57 am
Personally, I have had some pleasant exchanges with Atheists and Agnostics alike. Most just want an intelligent response without some self-righteous person condemning them to hell and throwing Bible verses at them. I have no problem with any of them if we can maintain mutual respect and agree to disagree.
2007-01-05 2:53 am
I agree. I see where both sides come from. But i guess when you think you are right, it's easy to get angry and just start throwing insults.
2007-01-05 2:51 am
it would be interesting but do you honestly think they COULD debate? the two groups are so set on their own viewpoints that they would just end up duking it out trying to change each others minds.
counterpoint for mild irritant: i don't need tangable evidence. thats why i call it my faith.
2007-01-05 2:51 am
For one thing, they have no common ground on which to base their discussion.

For another, both sides who would debate, feel that THEY are being attacked ....first. And their defence is almost always to attack back.
2007-01-05 2:49 am
We can and often do. The ad hominem attacks seem to garner more attention, however, and so it appears that they are the majority of statements here. I believe that, if you actually review and contrast the statements made against ideas vs. statements made against persons, you will find that the critiques of ideas have a large edge over the ad hominem attacks.
2007-01-05 2:49 am
The Atheist aren't here to debate.
2016-10-17 11:33 am
actually, i'm an atheist and that i imagine Jesus sounds like a large guy. someone i does not concepts being friends with (if he weren't all hostile to atheists, I propose). I do exactly not believe he became the son of God, because i believe there's no God. I also agree that each and each and every one faiths have a correct in this international. truly if those faiths promote tolerance and recognize-how and love (like maximum do). yet i do not imagine they have a correct to pry into my existence and beliefs and then try their toughest to regulate me. in my opinion, i don't believe i opt to be prayed for, as i really am an noticeably satisfied man or woman; i actual choose the theory that existence isn't a try...and that i have no choose nor opt for for "eternal existence". I also don't like the perception of one of those vast quantity of solid human beings probable going to hell for something trivial. I do savour the sentiment, regardless of the indisputable fact that.
2013-09-26 5:41 am
Yea. You're right. They attack like anything if they do not find text to support their belief. I do not understand. Its only all about Jesus and what He taught but why do human beings treat religion as "ours" "yours" "theirs" that cause them to hate and war against each other. Which one is trully teaching what Jesus trully teaches?
2007-01-05 3:16 am
Most seriously superstitious people get very aggressive when their beliefs are challenged.

Of all the atheists I know only one looses it when the religious get aggressive.

For most of my life I questioned the supernatural and I've had some very good knock'em down type friendly debates and enjoyed most of them until the other side decides that they are not winning me over and start to get loud and angry.

The belief that an atheist has in his/her argument is philosophical not a way of life. When their way of life is threatened they react in an aggressive manner.......a cornered mammal fighting for it's(way of) life. And I understand the anger. If atheism were a life style(way of life) and somebody threatened it 'I' would be angry and fight back. Also what bothers the superstitious is that the atheist is generally handling the debate in a calm(er) cool(er) manner while they get agitated which agitates them even more.
2007-01-05 3:11 am
B/c what you believe says a lot about who you are and what kind of person you want to be. Unfortunately even being an atheists means you believe in something even if its nothing at all. B/c you are upholding the existence of non existence. And when you believe in something most of the time those people feel its worth defending against all threat and that's why both parties get defensive and then attack.
參考: I made it up.
2007-01-05 3:05 am
Probably they got both the "secret".....

"The best defence is ....to attack..."...:)
2007-01-05 2:56 am
Why did you capitalize "Christians"??
2007-01-05 2:53 am
I am sure that you know very few of the people on this site and your shame is only a reflection of your own thoughts. Judge not... remember. It requires knowledge, intelligence and self-control to debate an issue. Since there are some on this site that refuse to learn, true debate is not going to happen. Most of this is for fun or to get a rise out of whom ever you happen to be opposing at a particular time. Don't get your panties in a wad over this site. It is of minimal use or influence. Purely entertainment.
2007-01-05 2:52 am
Because neither side will admit the only 100% factual, known truth: that no one knows one way or another because there is insufficient proof for either argument.

It's very difficult for some people to simply acknowledge that they don't know. And whether you believe in god or believe that there is no god... those are still beliefs and not facts.
2007-01-05 2:51 am
Debates often get heated. Especially when the people don't know each other as at least friendly aquaintences.
2007-01-05 2:49 am
Lets not argue about petty stuff and be kind to each other
2007-01-05 2:48 am
just like Christians and Muslims, always debating each other. There's truth in both sides.
2007-01-05 2:48 am
Violence is nature. let it go.
2007-01-05 2:47 am
Can't they?
2007-01-05 2:54 am
Why can't religious nuts stop murdering people?
2007-01-05 2:54 am
I really try not to attack athiests , but they deserve it.
2007-01-05 2:51 am
cus if you want to talk to a christian you can just talk to a bible, have they ever wondered why we dont like them so much? whats wrong with their religion? why dont you see me yelling at some loving buddhists?
2007-01-05 2:51 am
yes, but it is fun to see them get pissed off

and we could if we wanted to

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