Right. Is Jesus God. ? explain your answer.?

2007-01-05 1:28 am

right Jsutin . so god split into two . and took up a fleshly body . how can god become mortal ?


come on Smile , God Loves you . think about whjat you are saying. they are all the same thing ? but jesus is the son ?so is he independent of god when he was not formerly or has he joined up again as part of god ?

回答 (59)

2007-01-05 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Could you explain why "la illilah il illah"?

If you can, I'll explain why Jesus is an aspect of God!!!!
2007-01-05 1:29 am
Jesus is the son of God
2007-01-05 1:30 am
Jesus said, 'My Father is greater than I.
The Bible also calls Jesus, God's only Begotten Son.
2007-01-05 1:31 am

" You shall die in your sins if you believe not that I am He (the messiah)". - Jesus Christ

" He that has see me has seen the Father" - Jesus (Jn. 14:9)

" In Him is the fullness of the Godhead bodily".(Col. 2:9)

" Believe thou not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?
the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the FATHER THAT DWELLS IN ME....."...."Believe me; that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me..." - Jesus (John 14:10-11)

" I and my Father are one"- Jesus

" Before Abraham was, I Am".- Jesus

" I am come DOWN FROM HEAVEN, not to do my own will, but the will of Him that sent me". -- Jesus Christ
2007-01-05 1:30 am
Jesus is dead sad to say.
2007-01-05 1:29 am
Jesus is not God he is the son of God
2007-01-05 1:32 am
I see him as both human and divine, but I also see him as a being separate from our Heavenly Father. I believe we are all spirit children of God, but we're born as entirely human. Jesus was the only BEGOTTEN son of God.
2007-01-05 1:38 am
Jesus said, "I and the Father are One" in John 10:30. In John 14:6, He said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you really knew Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him."

Jesus is One with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Together they are One God.
2007-01-05 1:33 am
no. Watch me get thumbs down.
2007-01-05 1:32 am
yes, because there are three Gods in one. God the Father, God the Son, and God th Holy Spirt
2007-01-05 1:31 am
參考: m
2007-01-05 1:31 am
2007-01-05 1:31 am
Jesus is God's son...his "messenger" so to speak. He is not God. Although...spiritually speaking...god is IN all of us. I'm sure he was "in" Jesus as well. I'm still not sure that counts as BEING him.
2007-01-05 1:30 am
Jesus is lord,
God is the father.
2007-01-05 1:30 am
Jesus is the Son of God. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are all the same thing. so yes, he is.
2007-01-05 1:29 am
Yes, If one believes the Bible then we can begin to explain. If they do not believe God's word then the point is useless. First look up Exodus chapter 3 verse 14 God is talking to Moses. He calls Himself "I AM". Every Jew recognizes this even today. Then turn in your Bible to the Gospels John chapter 8 verses 51 -59 the special interest is found in verse 58 Jesus calls Himself "I AM" thus the Jews recognize that Jesus was claiming to BE God, so they tried to stone Him.
2016-12-02 9:25 am
you're saying: "in case you'll answer, please merely answer, do not quote different scriptures because i'm asking about those ones" it truly is a very arbitrary accepted of evidence you've there. once you may shrink out particular verses and then decrease what you'll settle for as info, there is extremely not something each person can try this may assist you already understand -- if understanding is extremely what you're searching for. enable me recommend that -- because you received't settle for different verses from me -- that you interact in a study about God the daddy. locate what you may about what God says about Himself, like the names he makes use of (like shepherd). have a glance also on the activities he pronounces belong really to Himself, and no human being else (like the right to judge). Then look on the praise that He pronounces is His own (like worship and His own glorification.) next, undertake a similar study, yet centred on Jesus. you already know what you'll locate? you'll locate that throughout scripture, Jesus claimed for Himself, reserved for Himself, and noted as Himself, the very same issues! you spot, this is not a verse or 2 or ten that asserts Jesus is God. this is the full of scripture. Jesus change into very conscious that He change into equating Himself with God contained in the numerous stuff he did and suggested and reserved and proclaimed. He does not supply us the alternative of figuring out that he's a sturdy guy, or a prophet, or an angel, or something else. Our really decision is to go back to a decision even if He change into God or a liar or a nut pastime.
2007-01-07 6:57 pm
Yes Jesus is God

God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
God the Father

Called the Trinity
2007-01-06 4:59 pm
it's called faith. so no.
2007-01-06 4:24 pm
no jesus is the son of god,god sent his son(seperate being)jesus.they are not one person.god-the fatherjesus-the son of god.
2007-01-05 5:32 pm
God is more than able to be or do anthing.
2007-01-05 5:18 pm
No. He is only God's messenger just like the messengers before him and the last messenger after him. God doesn't need or have a family. God is supreme doesn't need anyone. he is one and the only one.
2007-01-05 1:30 pm
Yes, my son, Jesus is God. They both fail to exist together with the Holy Spirit.
2007-01-05 12:44 pm
Yes, He is part of the Holy Trinity. The Father (God), The Son (Jesus) and The Holy Ghost (God-Jesus' Spirit). They are all one omnipresent entity. God is bigger than we can imagine, He can't be boxed up. Jesus was also human so that when He died on the cross, He conquered death and He enabled us to have direct contact with God and to give us salvation. He was the ultimate sacrifice.
2007-01-05 4:25 am
think of it like an egg - you got the shell, the whites and the yolk - all differnt things but they are all made up to be the same thing - same with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
2007-01-05 3:44 am
Do you believe that Jesus raised people from the dead?eg Lazrus.Only God can do that.If you don't believe that ;then you have to agree that a prophet can't lie because Jesus told us so.
2007-01-05 1:46 am
The 'Credo in unum Deum' - which invites questions as to what became of the food and drink. And a great deal of blood and ink has been spilt for it:

'Soon afterwards the door opened and a young woman entered. She was dressed in a long white shift and carefully carrying a china washbowl covered with a white cloth. Reaching the central platform, she turned her back on the spectators and squared her shoulders. Then, gazing up at the red-robed figure, she resolutely whisked the cloth away. The bowl was brimful of warm, steaming blood, and floating in it, only half recognisable as such, were human viscera.

Instantly, the red-robed judge sprang to his feet. With his doll-like face contorted into a frightful mask of greed or rage, he swept the little table aside, sending it crashing down the steps, then clambered after it himself with incredible agility and halted just short of the young woman, who stared at him, paralysed with terror. Every semblance of humanity left his face, which now became completely disfigured, as he made several rapacious, balletic gestures in the air.

Then, abruptly galvanised, he thrust both hands into the bowl as if seeking some choice titbit, fished out an organ - possibly a tiny heart - and crammed it avidly into his mouth. Having devoured it, he groped in the bowl once more, spattering the woman with blood as he did so. A moment later he hurled whatever he had found away. Eyes staring vacantly, breath rasping and bubbling in his throat, he raised one bloodstained hand and pointed to the crimson splashes on the woman's shift. Clenching his fist, he smote her such a terrible blow that she fell dead at his feet without uttering a sound. The china bowl smashed as it hit the ground.

The angel, driven to his feet by this appalling spectacle, had drawn himself up to his full height. The red-robed judge turned and gazed at him with his teeth bared. When he saw the ink stains on the alabaster whiteness of the angel's robe, he drew nearer, pointing to them with his gory fingers outstretched. Once more he clenched his fist and drew it back, but the angel opened his mouth and emitted a cry like the tolling of some huge, bronze bell. For one brief moment the world seemed to stand still.

Coming to life again, the red-robed judge took a few unsteady steps. His face resumed its doll-like appearance - indeed, he looked genuinely distressed as he bent down and tried to rub the ink stains away. His trembling lips mouthed some almost unintelligible words.

"Forgive me," he stammered. "I was confused, that's all…"

The angel continued to stand there without moving. He had closed his eyes, and a tremor seemed to run through his body - a silent, convulsive sob.

When he opened his eyes again he saw the red-robed figure crouching beside the young woman's body and tenderly stroking her face. Encircling the pair at a distance were five children with wooden swords held vertically to their lips as though in salute.

… The other spectators seemed almost unaware of what had happened. They still resembled an expanse of reeds stirring gently in the breeze.'
參考: M Ende: 'Mirror In The Mirror' '84
2007-01-05 1:46 am
There was a book written which basic premise is Jesus was one of three things: Liar, Lunatic or Lord. Jesus is a historical person recorded by Philo, Josephus and the Bible. The apostles went to their death believing this Jesus was God; therefore they witnessed his miracles, resurrection and believed he was who he said he was. The Bible makes it very clear that he claims to be God. The Jews of his time knew he claimed to be God; and that is why they wanted to stone him. The people who crucified him knew he was God. Christians who say Jesus is not God have not studied, read or misunderstood the Bible or they were simply trained to believe he is not God. Jesus' Resurrection proves he is not a liar or a lunatic. It is Jesus' stamp of approval, the empty tomb is his sign to the world. No one during that time denied his miracles or his resurrection. On the contrary over 500 people witnessed his resurrection. No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. Read Isaiah 9:6.
2007-01-05 1:42 am
Yes, Jesus is God. The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.
ONE GOD in three manifestations

God the Father the law giver and creator of the word
God the Son the Word made Flesh (still God, just manifested into divine human form)
God the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of God
2007-01-05 1:42 am
Jesus is God, He is the Son of God. Sin came through Adam and God sent His son Jesus Christ to take all the Sins. He was sent as a human being like us. He died on the cross to take all our sins as well. The Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father are one.
2007-01-05 1:36 am
The Bible says he is God.
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Diety lives in bodily form."--
Colossians 2:9

There are many scriptures that explain Jesus as being God. But if you don't believe the Bible, then it doesn't matter what it says, right?
2007-01-05 1:34 am
jesus is Gods son at the same time jesus is God
. this is to deep to understand.some people waist all
off there life trying to figure it out plese dont be one of them.
2007-01-05 1:37 am
Left. Grasp this concept if you can, "faith"... God the Father,God the Son, God the Holy Spirit....nuf said!
2007-01-05 1:37 am
no he isnt read the book before you make stupid remarks
2007-01-05 1:37 am
Is there the spark of life in you? hmmm

if not then it is completely dark.

If I invent then does the invention belong to me?
2007-01-05 1:36 am
No. He's only human which has been chosen by God to teach humanbeing on how to appreciate what has been given to him during lifetime. And inform every human that there is life after death.
2007-01-05 1:34 am
No. He is the son of God.

Christ has always been the Son of God, from the very time he was created. He is called the only-begotten son as Jehovah alone created him. Afterwards, Jesus helped creating the other angels, creation, and man.

Genesis 1: 26 says "And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness..." God was talking to another person, who was he?

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and upon the earth.” (Colossians 1:15, 16)

Yes, it seems logical that at Genesis 1:26, Jehovah was speaking to his only-begotten Son, the “master worker,” who was at his side during the creation of the heavens and the earth. (Proverbs 8:22-31)
參考: wt
2007-01-05 1:34 am
No, please do not commit the worst sit by associating partners in creation with our Creator.

Read the Guidance our Creator has bestowed on us! Will you not then understand?

[005:072] Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "God is the Messiah Jesus, son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah Jesus said: "O Children of Israel! Worship God, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up partners (in worship) with God, then God has forbidden Paradise to him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong doers) there are no helpers.

[005:073] Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "God is the third of the three (in a Trinity)." But there is no god (none who has the right to be worshipped) but God alone). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them.

[005:074] Will they not turn with repentance to God and ask His forgiveness? For God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

[005:075] The Messiah Jesus, son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother Mary was a Siddîqah [i.e. she believed in the Words of God and His Books (see Verse 66:12)]. They both used to eat food (as any other human being, while God does not eat). Look how We make the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to them; yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth).


[004:171] O people of the Scripture (Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of God aught but the truth. The Messiah Jesus, son of Maryam (Mary), was (no more than) a Messenger of God and His Word, ("Be!" – and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam (Mary) and a spirit (Rûh) created by Him; so believe in God and His Messengers. Say not: "Three (trinity)!" Cease! (it is) better for you. For God is (the only) One God, Glorified is He (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And God is All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.

[004:172] The Messiah will never be proud to reject to be a slave of God, nor the angels who are the near (to God). And whosoever rejects His worship and is proud, then He will gather them all together to Himself.

May God guide you to the straight path, and protect us all from the whispers of Satan.

Peace Be With You
2007-01-05 1:33 am
Just as easily, we can ask, is allah, god???

Let's compare.

Deuteronomy 24 : 4 -Since she has slept with her second husband, she cannot marry her first husband again. Their marriage would pollute the land that the LORD your God is giving you, and he would be disgusted.

Jeremiah 3:1 - 1 If a man divorces his wife and she leaves him to marry another, can he ever return to her? Wouldn't such a land become totally defiled?

Islam - Bukhari Volume 7, 63, Number 187:: A man divorced his wife thrice (by expressing his decision to divorce her thrice), then she married another man who also divorced her. The Prophet was asked if she could legally marry the first husband (or not). The Prophet replied, "No, she cannot marry the first husband unless the second husband consummates his marriage with her, just as the first husband had done."

God said its DISGUSTING, SICKENING DEFILEMENT AND Muhammad and allah tells you its great, Go ahead and do it!. NOW…do you still think they are the same??? If you do, you might as well call Saddam your brother.
2007-01-05 1:33 am
See, they can't even agree on something as fundamental as this. How can they expact to have any credibility
2007-01-05 1:32 am
its in the Bible, you'll have to actually read it to find out more.
2007-01-05 1:31 am
somewhat- jesus is part human, part divine. he was made without mary having sex, so i think he is a part of god. not completely god in human form, just like a regular person is a part of their parent, jesus is too.
2007-01-05 1:31 am
Jesus is God. Reason: God made the universe. God bathes in the morning. The universe was made after God bathed. Jesus was always bathed. Therefore, Jesus is God.
2007-01-05 1:31 am
Don't believe everything you're told without checking it out for yourself first.
2007-01-05 1:39 am
Jesus cant be a God and he never claimed to be a God .. I think he's called a son of God which has different meanings ( this doesnt mean God is his real father) , in judaism for instance a rightous priest is called a son of God , group of rightious 'childern of God',If he is a god then why he was killed by his creatures why would God do that? ..
參考: my head
2007-01-05 1:33 am
No.... And he is not the son of god either...
God said to mary that he will blow a a part of him inside her SO ...she CAN get pragnent without having a husband. and then he said ...
"He will be my replacement on the earth and the one after me"
So teqnically he isnt god or the son of god.
Hope i have not effended anyone here with my answer.
Its from Quran.
2007-01-05 1:32 am
Not according to Arius of Alexandria.
參考: History.
2007-01-05 1:32 am
no jesus is a nice guy with nice beard....
參考: bible
2007-01-05 1:31 am
Jesus was a prophet of God,put here to spread the word of God
2007-01-05 1:31 am
No, you do it. Those days are over.


2007-01-05 1:30 am
No (No as in "No, I don't know" to the first and "No, I won't explain to the second)
2007-01-05 1:30 am
Yes. Is some confusing backwards way he is part of the holy tri--- something or other possibly trinagy? I don't know. But it was Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.
2007-01-05 1:31 am
Jesus is not God. He isn't even the son of God. He was a messenger of God, spreading the words of God to the people.
2007-01-05 1:31 am
I am the one true son and god
2007-01-05 1:30 am
Yea and no. Jesus is gods son. But Jesus can also be called god also.
2007-01-05 1:30 am
2007-01-05 1:33 am
No God is God, Jesus is a name.
2007-01-05 1:29 am
yes think of it like this...God is god ya know and jesus is god as a man and he came down here and died for our sins and we are in salvation.
2007-01-05 1:30 am
Oh daddy, you're so sexy, only you could be God!

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