Christians: is this fair and just?

2007-03-08 5:17 am
If i had a child and they disapointed me for the first 5 years of their life; would it be just for me to lock them in a sauna and have them tortured every minute of every day for the rest of their life?

The Bible says that's fair and just... what do you say?

回答 (28)

2007-03-08 5:24 am
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I say it's demented and sad.
2007-03-08 1:20 pm
You need Jesus.
2007-03-08 1:20 pm
I say that's insane.
參考: JS
2007-03-08 1:21 pm
Once again a Christian hater quoting form the Old Testament. The old law is dead and we are living under the New Covenant something you will never open your eyes to see because you only care to discredit Christians.
2007-03-08 1:21 pm
Goodness gracious NO.
2007-03-08 1:22 pm
I do not read that in my Bible. My bible tells me that you reap what you so. In other words, if my kid acts out, perhaps it is the parent that is responsible. Or, another way of looking at it is to ask, why does your son disappoint you? Is it the son's problem or yours.

The Law of Moses said an eye for an eye.. But Christ brought in the laws of love and kindness and justice.
2007-03-08 1:21 pm
So what is your point?
God has given you a chose.
Life or death.
Common sense =pick life.
God is not the bad guy here.<><
2007-03-08 2:07 pm
I know what you are getting at here. It is eternal punishment. Right?

First off, we each decide to believe or not believe; and you know the result of each. And, that is fair and just.

That is not a put-down for persons who choose one or the other. It is just the way it is. It doesn't make me a better person because I "believe"; that is simply my decision. I wish it were true of everyone, but non-believers wish everyone were non-believers. That is being human; for both.

In general, those who believe will have 'eternal life' in spirit, with a new body, in a new world -Heaven or Earth. Those who do not believe, won't. No one knows the fine details of what happens after our earthly bodies die.

There are differing interpretations of 'hell'. There is strong reason to believe that hell is not eternal because the Bible indicates that the "lake of fire" will destroy everything in it. The eternal punishment, therefore, is destruction. There will be mumbling and grumbling -gnashing of teeth- by those who realize, too late, that they made the wrong decision. He is not going to be poking and picking at them for eternity.

The ball is in your court.
2007-03-08 1:25 pm
The bible says "the soul that sinneth, it shall die." It does not say "the soul that sinneth, it shall suffer eternal torment in the fires of hell for all of eternity simply for a few years of sin on earth". Please, study the truth for yourself instead of listening to parrots who demonize the true character of God.
2007-03-08 1:24 pm
no it doesn't
2007-03-08 1:22 pm
They had a Sauna back then? Lol. Anyway, that is cruel.
2007-03-08 1:23 pm
I can't answer cause the Bible says to not cast your pearls before swine.

2007-03-08 1:22 pm
If the bible says it, I believe it.

At least, that is what my pastor always said growing up.

Personally, I decided there was too much in the bible that a loving omnipotent god would never write. Not even a couple thousand years before jesus died. Look up the laws about how rape victims are treated (Deuteronomy). Equally despicable.
2007-03-08 1:20 pm
that is a horrible thing to do to your child.
2007-03-08 1:23 pm
No, the Bible doesn't say that. It doesn't matter if they disappoint you, it matters if they disappoint God. Not to mention, that up until a certain age, children will go to heaven because God knows that until they reach a certain age, they have no comprehension of what sin really is.

I really get tired of people like you who try to contort what the Bible says to make it the way Satan wants it to sound..
2007-03-08 1:22 pm
Your talking about the OT. Try READING IT instead of putting qoutes YOU don't understand yourself.
參考: Have a nice day!
2007-03-08 1:21 pm
What Bible are you reading? I've read mine from Genesis thru Revelations, and I never found a passage like that one.
2007-03-08 1:20 pm
If thats why the bible says THEN YES.
2007-03-08 1:27 pm
Ah, but so many Christians don't like to hear the bad stuff. Ruins the PG rating.

I say, toss the Bible and enjoy the kid!
2007-03-08 1:29 pm
Many of the scriptures in the Bible are oxymorons. Remember the Bible is translated by men, and the words were probably changed dramatically during the translation process.

I cannot fathom how any child could be a disappointment during the first five years of their lives. Children are meant to be loved and nurtured, as well as cherished by their parents. There is nothing fair or just about the abuse of a child! Annie
2007-03-08 1:24 pm
Anthropomorphism should not be used to describe a holy God as the equivalent of sinful man. Our sin goes far deeper than mere disappointment and a slap on the wrist.
2007-03-08 1:22 pm
wo youre trying to challenge the bible and christian views here.. im not a christian but theyre gonna tell you

NO! not if he say sorry!
2007-03-08 1:23 pm
What bible are you reading? If you don't like your kid that much, ship him/her off to military school. That way you only have to see them on holidays.
2007-03-08 2:00 pm
It is not fair & just so that's why God had to send his son Jesus to pay for our sins that we may be
saved from Hell. Remember, the prodigal son parable - you can only be a prodigal son once
not everytime. So when human make a mockery
out of God's Mercy in sacrificing his Son that
we may live by sinning again and again then confess & say sorry & expect to be forgiven & then start sinning again, then human deserve to go to Hell. Put yourself in His shoes - if your son have to take the rap for somebody elses sin & the guy does not repent & continue to sin & mock your
son's sacrifice, do you want to see Justice done for your son's sacrifice?
2007-03-08 1:24 pm
The worst torture of Hell is that you don't get to be with God. That's not His choice. It's yours. If you're dumb enough to lock yourself into the sauna... oh well...!
2007-03-08 1:24 pm
Does the bible really mean what is said? You might be reading the text based on your understanding of its meaning. Why not look into the context of what was said. Look into the the real intention of the human author. I bet that the human author was divinely inspired and couldn't subscribed to an idea of a cruel God. God is always portrayed as kind, loving and merciful from the moment of creation and even at the time when His son was crucified because of us. If
God really said it, it must be in the context of disciplining ourselves, but not as cruel as what we thought it is.
2007-03-08 1:24 pm
It depends on the manner of dissapointment. If they spent every living minute of their life doing that, then they deserve that. However something like just being a bad student is totally wrong.

Something about the Bible just rubs me the wrong way. It's too reminiscent of the hierarchies of the Renaissance where duelling was legal, as was discrimination to a severe degree. The core message (i.e. just be nice) is a good one. But the details are disturbing. The Bible is open to interpretation... it's not the supreme law of the land, down to the word - remember, it's survived many translations.
2007-03-08 1:21 pm
Go pimp somewhere else.

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