If one went to heaven for eternity, would it get boring?

2007-01-03 1:56 am
Wouldn't eternity get a bit boring after a while? I mean, worshipping an all-powerful deity could get boring. Do they have entertainment in heaven?

回答 (20)

2007-01-03 1:58 am
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I think anything for eternity would be boring, like consciousness for example.
2007-01-03 2:07 am
I have actually pondered this question also. God seems very conservationist in His nature judging by the efficiency of the planet. Other than man, everything else works in a non wasteful complementary way with the rest of nature. I doubt He made the entire universe that big for such a localised form of life on one little planet. My view is we will be using the universe in a big way to create. Worship is not standing around singing amazing grace all day... it is behaving in a way that honours our creator so in a sense we will do that forever but it won't be boring. We honestly don't know but a good hint is that I expected Christianity to be boring but found church life to be anything but.
2007-01-03 2:04 am
No! You see, boredom, even with the most exciting, wonderful, and eternally engrossing subjects is part of the Sin Nature inherent in every cell of the human, physical body. As our resurrection bodies don't posess a Sin Nature, we will never be bored!!
2007-01-03 1:58 am
you dont have to worry that cause you wont be existing anymore
2007-01-03 3:17 am
Great Question!
I believe that Eternity means INFINITY to the THIRD POWER TIMES TEN with the SQUARE ROOT of FOREVER Heaven is an ENDLESS Playground: With endless Oppertunities for us ...I don't think GOD could let us get BORED in HEAVEN... Looky here on EARTH... How bored are we here? Nah...We don't need to Be Entertained in Heaven! God's Got a Plan and a Method to this Madness. Celebrate !
2007-01-03 2:31 am
no it wouldnt Heaven would never get boring. its always be paradise and fun and nice no pain no sorrow no trouble no heartache. just plain peace and fun.
2007-01-03 2:27 am

As humans, it takes deep thought to understand some, we can't comprehend the true beauty, of a world that appears to look like this, but on a higher level.... such as no darkness or shadows, just light since there is no death, more brighter colors, some new ones, everything is so alive, the plants, flowers turn as you pass, as if they can see you...... God went all out creating this new planet so we wont be bored, for eternity. lol entertainment to your hearts desires, the music sound is like none on earth, the sound is like even coming out of the ground, in the air, the music sounds like words. And are senses are on a new level, we can feel what others are saying and we can communicate that way too. I feel I know heaven, perhaps I can write a book, I can tell you a lot more, but I don't think some people can comprehend the feel of the truth of the explanation. Anyways my sources I feel I have faith in their sincerity of their testimony, since some of them been there and back.
2007-01-03 2:17 am
O my God!.In heaven,no movie theatres,no liquor stores,no strip clubs,no adult book stores and non of other good things we are used to on earth.It is very boring.
2007-01-03 2:11 am
you dont hv to worry cus theres no afterlife. heaven is on earth, when u do something right, u feel good, thats heaven.
2007-01-03 2:06 am
Can you prove the existence of a heaven in the after-life? What about hell? And what about all the heavens and hells right now, here on earth as we live?
I bet if you asked someone who is constantly dodging bombs, they'd say they are living in hell. Or someone else who lives a nice life without too much strife. Might they not call it heaven? In other words, live now. it will make your currently boring life more interesting.
2007-01-03 2:05 am
Are you kidding???

Imagine discover new solar systems, new planets, new galaxies and universes. Imagine living among good friends and relatives. Imagine having picknicks in the most beautiful parks and places on earth, playing your favorite sports, been married with a beautiful wife and kids, having your own home built by you, never been sick. How can it get boring?

The bible promises all these things. It also states that we will not go to heaven, but will live here on eath as God firstly planned with Adam and Eve.

But Im sure God will let us explore the entire universe.

Far from boring, life would be so exciting, the lucky one who make it to paradise will probably cry everyday of happiness and joy!
2007-01-03 2:02 am
Everything in heaven is perfect, so you don’t need anything so there’s nothing to go for. What a wretched place it is. Fortunately some wise angelic beings take action and create “war in heaven” to spice things up a little.
2007-01-03 2:02 am
no. it won't be boring. It may be many things, but not boring.
2007-01-03 2:01 am
i like to think of Heaven being like a never ending theme park with new rides everyday and there the fastest roller coasters.
2007-01-03 2:01 am
Heaven is here and now

we have Mormons, JW's, and the TBN Network to keep me laughing and calling my religious parents to ask them if they have seen the latest SCANDAL breaking out from the Moral High Ground Bigots/ Hypocrites yet

I find it hilarious for each finger pointing pious person to fall and join the rest of us in this heaven, or watch them live in denial and continue in hell
2007-01-03 2:00 am
nope,i believe it will be a grand life

2007-01-03 2:00 am
if i hear this question one more time ill SHOOT SOMEONE IN THE FACE!
2007-01-03 2:00 am
Absolutely not! It will be paradise!
2007-01-03 1:59 am
2007-01-03 1:59 am

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