If You could get away with never wearing socks again for the rest of Your life, would You?

2007-01-02 7:37 pm
Endless bare foot summers, my oh my; wouldn't that be nice?

回答 (24)

2007-01-03 4:53 am
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I would and I am, haven't worn footwear, socks or shoes, for ten years and I'm not planning to change that. It takes a bit of training & dressing up very warmly from the ankle up, but I can even go barefoot in the snow without getting cold or numb feet.
2007-01-02 7:42 pm
Sure would. I am a sandal guy. But it gets tricky to ride a motorcycle and play sports without shoes and socks. Oh well...such is life!
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
socks, what are those?
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
i never wear socks even in the winter
2007-01-02 8:00 pm
I have foot and skin problems, so I needs my socks.
2007-01-02 7:51 pm
Yes I most certainly would! I love socks because they can be fun, but I love being barefoot like nothing else! I love my feet :)
參考: ♥
2007-01-02 7:46 pm
Ya man, if you live in Los Angeles like me. Its 76 degrees outside and the sun in shining hard in January. Forget socks, it makes your feet sweat which leads to foot odors. This leads to companies making money on you by selling you products which make your feet odor go away when you can avoid it by not wearing socks.
2007-01-02 7:43 pm
ya it will be nice, but what about warm streets
2007-01-02 7:42 pm
I like socks in the cold weather, and when wearing shoes, but Endless barefoot summmers would be awesome!
2007-01-02 7:41 pm
No, not really, summer is nice, but it's fun to have the crisp autum days to kick leaves around, the snow winter evenings to sit by the fire and remember the fun in the snow, and those warm spring days when everything seems so new and bursting with life.
2007-01-02 7:40 pm
no, it makes my Doc Martins and Chuck Taylors smelly.
2007-01-02 7:40 pm
Yes but if I don't get to wear shoes too.
2007-01-02 7:40 pm
sounds like fun
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
oh, yeah, that would be great. But if I had to deal with cold, I'm NOT giving up my boots!
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
Yes, if the shoes go with them.
參考: m
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
yes if Im on a warm island
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
if it was warm...oh yeah!
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
I like socks,I hate shoes but I like socks !!
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
no, i feet would probley burn until i got use to it, and i like socks:)
2007-01-02 7:38 pm
but i love socks!!
2007-01-02 7:38 pm
well not really.. think about the winters..
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
No never think about if you go outside and you step on some stickers ouch ouch ouch!!!! and the winter's and summer's (stepping on that hot cement) more oches!!!
2007-01-02 7:39 pm
no. do u know why? once i didn't wear socks for a day and my foot hit a splinter.
2007-01-02 7:39 pm

never that's discusting .

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