can anyone tell me how to be popular in middle school?

2007-01-05 1:54 am

回答 (11)

2007-01-05 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Be social, but don't let anyone close enough to understand you. Everyone loves mystery.

Have fun, but don't lose yourself in it.

Have a sense of style and be different from others. If you're financially well, then trendy clothes will help.

Be and appear healthy. That brings confidence and charm.

Don't put out to anyone and everyone. As a matter of fact, find a bf outside the school. Once you become popular, you can find someone best in the school.

Study hard at home, get great grades, but don't show off. That will make you geeky. Listen hard at school, and study hard at home.

Although I don't recommend it, money always help getting superficial friends, who surround you. If you like that attention, and afford it , go for it. But be wise enough to know who are superficial.
2007-01-05 11:01 am
do be cute.. don't be a slut
do be smart... don't try to act dumb
do be friendly.. don't be aggressive
do wear something cool.. don't wear something dull
2007-01-05 10:24 am
It is interesting how so many want to be popular in middle school. Out of all the kids in middle school most will not be the popular type... there are just so many kids... and if you do not fit into that crowd it is ok. The best way to go thru middle school is to always do you school work which is not always popular with some of the in crowd. You need to keep your schoolwork and grades the best you can get them...Kids that keep their school grades up will always get ahead in life of the kids who dont....
In addition... some of the geekiest girls in middle school and high school (as well as guys) blossom into the most beautiful women and men... So the most important thing for you in your middle years is to learn who you are as a person. You are just forming your teen and adult thoughts. You are the president of your very own company called YOU. Be honest with YOU, be wise with YOU, make good decisions for YOU, stay away from people who think things like smoking and drugs are cool for YOU (because they will ruin your whole life I promise), keep clean for YOU, keep an unfowl mouth for YOU, stay away from sex for YOU..... choose the freinds that are good for YOU and not bad for YOU and if you find you have met a friend who is not really a friend for YOU, then find another friend. Also realize your parents are on your side and really do know what is best for you and YOU. This is your time filled with wonderful opportunity ahead. Be a good person and DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN FOR YOU to make your life on the right track... full and productive. By taking care of YOU, YOU can become all you dream to be for YOU. Get involved in sports or yearbook ot band at school. Don't get too boy crazy as there will be plenty of time for that later. Realize you are still a kid even tho sometimes you feel like you know everything. YOU does not!
YOU have great opportunity at your age... what a great honor.... make wise decisions for YOU as every decision YOU make from here on out will have a consequence on the life of your company, YOU. (a good decision or bad decision can change the whole direction of your life and your company).
2007-01-05 9:59 am
-Be yourself
-Don't bad-mouth others
-Treat others the way you want to be treated
-Do your schoolwork to the best of your ability
-Don't tell people too much about yourself
-Don't go looking for the snob crowd
-Dress appropriately
-Don't spread gossip
參考: Some of my children did some of the "don'ts" and it did not make them popular. When they started acting right, then they earned popularity, as people trusted them
2007-01-05 9:57 am
good question i wouldn't recemend being popular in middle school though theres loads of drama. i know first hand as iam in 8th grade and spent a few weeks being popular, but if you really want to be become better friends with the popular people you knew in elemetary school
2007-01-05 9:56 am
the most popular girls in middle school were the skanks. dont be one. it honestly doesnt matter if you were popular in middle school
2007-01-05 9:56 am
not all it's caught up to be.
參考: i was in middle school not too long ago.
2007-01-05 9:56 am
do what evryone is doing
2007-01-05 9:55 am
Yes. Be involved in your school performances. Get into chorus, play an instrument or dance... Once all and sundry sees you perform you are an untouchable to make fun of and it works every time to pick and choose the potential friends who flock to you.

Being popular attracts both extremes. The very good and the very bad students. The very good you have good times with and the very bad want to do physical harm, so think very carefully about this... Are you willing to go through that? - It'll make you grow up a little faster.
2007-01-05 9:55 am
brown nose
2007-01-05 9:59 am
first, you have to be pretty, and wear make up

and stop asking questions here cus the GUYS will think youre uncool

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