Why do hypocrites ask why do Christians judge when they are judging the Christian in making that judgment?

2007-01-05 2:42 am
It's impossible to never judge anyone.

回答 (36)

2007-01-05 2:43 am
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Amen to that.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
You are right.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
true....so true
2007-01-05 2:43 am
2007-01-05 2:45 am
No it is not impossible to not judge anyone, it is quite easy when
you realize that you are like everyone else, just a searcher looking for truth and minding your own business
2007-01-05 2:44 am
Lets leave everyone alone and be kind ok?
2007-01-05 2:44 am
參考: Atheism: The Logical Choice.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
Exactly....good point....maybe they are trrying to befriend the atheists.

"Knowing this, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts..."
(2 Peter 3
2007-01-05 2:46 am
Non Christians, I guess, don't have any moral guide telling them not to judge others, so they can judge away. Furthermore, they have the right to remind Christians that WE do have a code prohibiting the judging of others.
2007-01-05 2:46 am
Well, in answer to both questions, I would say that it is in order to give people a chance to earn 2 points by answering! lol.
Sorry, but I really don't take this kind of question too seriously - I saw the one you are referring to earlier on answers, and I thik I come across something like it - and another one like yours, almost every time I come into Answers. Muslims ask it, atheists ask it, Christians ask it, and each group think they are the ones being picked on.
2007-01-05 2:45 am
As non Christians we can judge since we dont have a verse or a book telling us not to do so. We judge you for claiming that judgement is bad, while you judge at the same time. So we judge you for being hypocrites. We never said anything about judgement being wrong or not.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
I wouldn't be so hard on the hypocrites. We all are guilty of that from time to time. We have standards by which we would like to live, and often fall short of them.
2007-01-05 2:44 am
i dont know
2007-01-05 2:45 am
THey perceive an opinion as a judgement against them hence they turn defensive
2007-01-05 2:44 am
They are trying to say that Christians aren't allowed to judge but they are allowed.
2007-01-05 3:05 am
because it is a contest and we need judges to judge the judgmental and hypocrites to hype the hippos.
2007-01-05 3:02 am
they're not hypocrites, they're asking why some of the christians judge others while preaching that only god can judge, they're calling some christians hypocrites. they themselves never deny judging.
2007-01-05 2:58 am
You say that we are "Judging" christians when we see them acting hypocritical. No, just simply an observation. If we see someone covered with scat, they look like they are covered with scat and smell like scat too.
2007-01-05 2:54 am
Because they don't want people to notice their hypocrisy and try to cast guilt onto someone else. Why is it when Christians say the Bible says, they are accused of being bigots? When anyone is presented with the very word Christian it brings with it the instant knowledge of right or wrong, and it makes some people uncomfortable knowing that as the Bible says they are being judged by the Word and because that Judgment needs a human face, it is easier to judge Christians than really face the inner speaking that is going on inside them. All we have to do is just say we are Christian and immediately there is a deep response in the one who heard it, that is the heart being judged by the Spirit. Someone who is truly a believer never has to say a word, what is in them makes those unbelievers around them know there is something different.
2007-01-05 2:53 am
Exactly, Christians should know.
參考: Christian trash.
2007-01-05 2:53 am
We don't have to judge because God does all the judging. We just share the truth and the truth hits the spot and commands men to repent or die.The truth only sets people free from the error of their own ways. Truth heals and directs in the right way.
We are commissioned by God to go and tell the Good News that Jesus saves from sin and destruction. Jesus is truth! No other religion or faith claims to be truth. Jesus didn't claim to be He said I am truth.
2007-01-05 2:52 am
Well I look at it like this: some people judge people in a negative way. On the other hand you have people who judge people in a good way. Its like the negative image is like someone who has dirt all in their home but talks about their neighbor who has dirt in their home. The positive image is like someone who has a clean home and you say to that person well you have a lovely home and here's flowers or whatever as a gift to add to your home.

That word JUDGE goes deeper than what you could ever imagine but you do have a good point!!!! But yes I believe people are always going to be judgemental. Jesus is still being judged and some are negative some are positive some are true and some are false.
參考: living and learning
2007-01-05 2:51 am
I agree. And why do they quote this one verse, out of context? Does anyone know that Jesus tells us in John 7:24 to "... judge righteous judgment." ??? Jesus never tells us never to judge, but to do so when we are not hypocritical and when it is righteous.
When you think about thiis for a while, which is more wrong. Seeing someone (like a child) do something wrong, and doing nothing, or to stand up and correct them.
2007-01-05 2:47 am
the only thing keep me from jesus is christians, it sounds weird but i really dont like you guys, judgmental and preaching division, the freaking heaven and the freaking hell, you threaten you seduce, THIS IS NOT LOVE
2007-01-05 2:47 am
you make a good point :)
i'm a christian and i believe alot of Christians are overly judgemental
but i believe that everyone judges but no matter what a perso is like you should accept them
if you really believe in what God says than you would know that he says love all and treat them as you would want to be treated

and if you don't believe than i believe you shouldn;t judge those who do unless they judge you themselves
2007-01-05 2:46 am
The Bible does tell us, as Christians, to correct your brother if they are falling away or doing wrong. To confront them. That is not judging. Those who get angry because of this need to stop trying to glorify themselves and give the Glory to God! I do see many who say they are Christian writing things like - What the *@ck and other obvious little symbols. That, my friend, is not how a Christian heart should respond to anyone.
2007-01-05 2:46 am
very true ...good point well taken although rare for a believer . As a nonbeliever or skeptic I still say congratulations.
peace out
2007-01-05 2:46 am
Maybe it's me but you're confusing! How about I answer like this ''yesmaybeno'' !
參考: LIFE
2007-01-05 2:46 am
Wow...that was complicated. The only thing I can think of to answer this is that no one's perfect, and sometimes, we like to pick out the splinter out of someone else's eye before we smack them with our telephone pole that's in our eye. I know, that's the way I feel sometimes. No offense to anyone or anything, but it's true...it evensays it in the Bible.
2007-01-05 2:46 am
When I only read the title.. I was thinking "it's impossible not to judge." I don't see what the big deal is if a Christian judges. We are no more perfect than anyone else. EVERYONE makes mistakes. Christian or not.
2007-01-05 2:45 am
Just know there is a difference between judging, and questioning. But yes, I do agree that many times when someone is asking why, they will throw in their own answer.
2007-01-05 2:45 am
I don't think its possible to NEVER judge anyone. It is in the comparison that we learn good and bad. What works and what doesn't. With out adding yourself to the comparison, their can be no objectiveness to the comparison.
2007-01-05 2:45 am
Just to be safe in this world you have to judge others, I guess the problem is what you do once you've judge them.
The best thing to do is stay away from them but not everyone does that, some like to let them know they've judged them bad.
Like the saying goes two wrongs don't make a right.
2007-01-05 2:45 am
if you are not a christian then you dont have that rule
Christians aren't supposed to judge
that's what makes it hypocritical
if you think its impossible then you think following the christian dogma is impossible
2007-01-05 2:45 am
asking why somebody judges someone else isn't judging...it's asking a question.
2007-01-05 2:46 am
taht is y christians are better than every1 els lol

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