Where in the world is god?

2007-01-03 2:11 am

回答 (14)

2007-01-03 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
you have to be joking me? God is in heaven taking care of everything. and looking after all of us. you should be glad he cares about you. and its not his fault how this world is the world has already been screwed up ever since jesus was crucified. and remember you can talk to God and God does understand and he knows what is going on.
2007-01-03 2:14 am
God is everywhere. He sees all and knows all.
2007-01-03 2:16 am
He may be found in the imagination of the gullible
2007-01-03 2:14 am
In the Heavens
2007-01-03 2:14 am
God most likely exists in the fourth dimension cause the fourth dimension is out time and space
2007-01-03 2:14 am
Everywhere, but look within first, for YOU are divine.
2007-01-03 2:35 am
"hes in the hearts of anyone who wants him"

wtf... come on, not every question can be answered by a poem.
2007-01-03 2:28 am
See Ezekiel Chapter 1 versus 25-28. God sits on His throne in Heaven with the river of life at His feet....

2007-01-03 2:27 am
God took off. He either is the universe, is one of many universes, or is outside the universe,
but he is either completely unaware of us, because our earth is just a speck of blue dust in an entire universe of billions and billions of giants and other galaxies..

or he knows to some extent we are here but doesn't care...

or he is a form which we can not comprehend so it is fallacy to attatch a human condition to a god. He is aware of us, with us, but has no control over anything, because he creates, he does not control or see over, punish or reward, it just is...
2007-01-03 2:18 am
He is in the heart of anyone who wants him.
2007-01-03 2:17 am
God sure in the hell isn't here cause if God was here he'd be kick'n butt and take'n names. God is chill'n on the farthest planet away from ours. No time for losers. We're not worthy!
2007-01-03 2:16 am
He's been droping a duce for the last 2000 yrs.
2007-01-03 2:15 am
Humans' minds and fictional books.
2007-01-03 2:17 am
Thanks alot for your question

Well God is not in the world God is above the seven skies and he is on his thrown but he knows and see everything not by being here but by his great knowledge

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