Interesting blend between Creationism and Evolution?

2007-03-09 2:28 am
I forgot where I heard this, but its pretty interesting... Apparently the Hebrew word for "day" in the creation story does not actually mean day, but "time period," which could be anything, 5 minutes to 5 billion years. So then, following this logic, the Bible is saying that God created the earth in seven time periods, which could have been billions of years each, allowing for evolution in each period to one type of organism to the another? is this biblically possible?

回答 (14)

2007-03-09 2:37 am
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Sure. That's how most normal Christians look at it. Only the wackos and atheists trying to prove a point bother with a straw man like a 24 hour 'day'. Hebrew is NOT English!
2007-03-09 2:32 am
Heard it before. Just another attempt by Christians to try to reconcile irrefutable science with their beliefs.

Sure it's possible, but you won't catch a fundamentalist admitting its possibility.
2007-03-09 2:34 am
That's not new. That's been the belief of normal, sane christians for a long time. It's just that the wackos are a lot more vocal *eyeroll*.
2007-03-09 2:33 am
Actually, theres a pretty good correlation between the Biblical Creation and the big bang / evolution once you get over literalism. Unfortunately, literalism is a key tenet to religions that discourage thought.
2007-03-09 2:32 am
yes, this has been proven..six thousand years ago..there were no clocks,,or could they measure time?

so what you say is basically a truism
2007-03-09 2:32 am
but still ... for an evolutionary theory that puts man at his current evolutionary stage and intelligence at about 100000 years ago .. we have no evidence or history of civilization before about 4000bc ... very odd fact ....
2007-03-09 11:06 am
Actually, the Hebrew word for day is pretty specific in meaning a 24 hour period from sunset to sunset.

Additionally, Genesis claims the world, not the universe, was created in 6 days, not 7.

It is not "Biblically possible" as Genesis also claims that God spoke and life came into being. Not only that but it claims first in Genesis 1 that God created animals before humans but then goes on in Genesis 2 to reverse the order, man first and then animals followed by woman. Evolution could never fit in if you take this all literally.
2007-03-09 2:55 am
Very possible.
2007-03-09 2:41 am
I don't believe in the "time period". But lets say it did happen that way. Then God didn't create man? He evolved? Well, I might as well believe evolution right from the start. I don't believe in evolution at all. I guess I would say either believe in one or the other but don't try to blend them together. They are polar opposites.
2007-03-09 2:37 am
The bible still claims people were created as we are. Whether you say it was thousands of millions of years ago, it didn't happen.
2007-03-09 2:37 am
No, not if you are being consistent with the text and plain sense reading. You see, though the word "day" by itself may have various meanings, the actual meaning is defined by the context and other qualifiers. Six times the Genesis text says "evening and morning, the X day" Does not this double qualifiers tell you how the word "day" is used?

Evening and morning, the first day
Evening and morning, the second day
Evening and morning, the third day....

I don't know about you, but I think God is really telling us something here! And there is no ambiguity at all, UNLESS you have already bought in to evolution theory and thus have to reinterpret the Bible and make it say another thing.
2007-03-09 2:35 am
well and you forget the adam and eve part... and why would god create some imperfect creatures? and if we were perfect when we were first created then why would we need to evolute?

i dont get how ppl take bible and evolution at the same time... nice question
2007-03-09 2:34 am
Possible? Maybe. Does it matter? Of course not. Creationism, from the bible, has no evidential basis. Even if it did take the billions of years necessary, it's backwards scientifically.
2007-03-09 2:32 am
That's what we were taught by our nazi religion teacher. it makes more sense to me, but it may be a ploy by the church to appear that it was right all the time.

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