Why are people always telling me what is right and wrong?

2007-01-03 2:14 am
I mean, that's why we decide to become atheist in the first place. We don't like rules and we're going to do whatever we want. Real or not, even God isn't going to tell me what to do.

回答 (15)

2007-01-03 3:18 am
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That is not why we decide to "become" atheist.

What made you decide to impersonate one ?

Honestly you're not even good at it. An atheist would never say such a thing.

"Real or not"...please!!!!
2007-01-03 2:17 am
hmmmm....I thought I was an atheist because I realize that god doesn't exist?
I don't mind rules. We need them.
You're confusing your atheism with your anarchy.
Actually, it sounds like you might just be an angry deist.
2007-01-03 2:16 am
You don't sound like one of us.
2007-01-03 2:19 am
That's not why I became an atheist. I became an atheist because I could no longer justify believing in the existence of an entity for which there was no proof. Atheism is not about rebellion. To say "I don't believe in God because God will not tell me what to do" is self-contradictory. If you say that God can't tell you what to do, you are saying that you believe in the existence of God.
2007-01-03 2:19 am
You don't sound like an atheist. You sound like an adolescent. A genuine atheist wouldn't say "real or not." Stop being childish.
2007-01-03 2:32 am
I will put it this way....
Rules are your friend.
If you don't follow rules of the road, you get a ticket..get arrested or get in an accident. ( BAD)
If you don't follow society's rules...bad things happen.
If you don't follow spiritual rules..bad things happen.
If you break rules at school...bad things happen.
Believe it or not...following rules makes life much easier and much better for you. If you haven't learned that yet, you will. Unfortunately, if that is truly your attitude, you will probably learn it the hard way.
參考: I am an EX total rebelious person
2007-01-03 2:30 am
you can do what ya want but wouldn't you rather do whats right,,,,,

2007-01-03 2:27 am
umm then you have the wrong reason to become an atheist.

atheists dont believe god exist, so theres no god telling u what to do, so if youre some kind of punk kid who simply dont like rules, try satanism.
2007-01-03 2:23 am
Because we love you,and it is your choice about the decisions you make in life.
2007-01-03 2:23 am
Welcome to the club!.

People are always telling other people what's right and what's wrong. Christians to atheists, and vice versa; Hindus to Muslims, and vice versa; Christians to other Christians, and vice versa; and so on.

Get used to it. How else would you (or anyone else) know what's right and what's wrong?
2007-01-03 2:21 am
People tell you what is right and wrong, because you let them. Not all atheists choose their belief system because they don't like rules and they're going to do whatever they want. I would gander that most atheists have made an intelligent and informed decision based on their own logic. Many are even top notch people, as far as I'm concerned, because they tend to live in the moment and are careful of their actions because they know every moment counts. If you don't believe in an afterlife, then you are more likely to do good in this life because you only have one chance to make your mark and enjoy the time you have. Small minded people who need an excuse to be rebellious would use atheism as an excuse. According to the fundamental idea of the belief - you should be evolving, not devolving.
2007-01-03 2:18 am
I am sorry you feel that way. God does not limit you when he say's "thou shalt not." What God is really doing is freeing you to be all that you can be. In reality you are bottleing yourself up when you say I won't let God tell me what to do.

Moral Ethics is something that God has placed in all of us and it is not others that are telling you right from wrong...you are..

Think about it..

2007-01-03 2:17 am
so if he's real, you want to live in rebellion no matter the cost. that's mature
2007-01-03 2:17 am
poor poor immature boy.......
2007-01-03 2:16 am
that's bcoz they're brainwashed zombies..

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