I'm stopping my sister from converting to christianity and now shes mad what should i do?

2007-01-03 2:10 am
The only thing thats stopping her right now is me. We're both atheist right now and thats how i want it to remain but lately she been saying that she wants more to life and i told her wtf you know theres nothing more to life stop trying to be so profound now you know theres no god and i know that too you know i tell you these females are always trying to ruminate and they always gotta be so emotional thats the problem with females they think too much i had to smack her out of it and tell her snap of it we're both staying atheist and she told me well we'll see about that and i told her what you mean and then she went to her room and i came in and said you know if you convert to christianity i'm not coming to your inagguaration or whatever the f#ck it is they do when they convert to christianity cause i wont accept it i dont want you to turn into one of those losers who always talks about jesus and all that sh1t and i know your always gonna be trying to convert me

cause you know thats what it says in there religion that they have to try and convert everybody to believe in there garbage so i gotta stop her she's out control this is ridiculous


argumentative i said i'm an ATHEIST and according to your pic, your the one who looks muslim to me

回答 (24)

2007-01-03 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Young Man, you ought to be ashamed of your self. Not only are you insulting us, but you're insulting your own intelligence by using vulgar language. If this is all the arguement you have then you have None. I don't give a rat's behind if you're an Atheist or not. I'm a Pagan and have been for longer than you've been alive. Whoopie-skip. What's that got to prove?
The only thing you're trying to prove is that YOU have control over your sister. You are no better than any other Bible-thumper when it comes to control. Let her alone and let her make her own choice in Faith.
I don't blame her one bit for being angry at you. If you were my brother I wouldn't be speaking to you for awhile (not forever, I'd still love you but until you came to your senses) it's *her* life. Not *yours*, silly boy. Let her alone.
Jesus, Allah, Mother-Gaia, Danu -- the Name doesn't matter, the gender doesn't matter what matters is that *she* wants to beleive not *you*. Back off.
2007-01-03 2:13 am
My, another sterling example of "tolerance."
2007-01-03 2:16 am
My, you are obsessive about your sister...that is an intersting relationship you two have. My brothers are both deeply involved in a religion, I do not go to church at all. We still get along just fine. They don't try to convert me and vice versa. Why don't you just let her do whatever she wants. I assume you two are not going to be living together forever, so what she does with her own time, really shouldn't concern you.
2007-01-03 2:16 am
The harder you fight, the quicker you fall... you are so becoming a Christian it's not funny...lol
2007-01-03 2:15 am
It's her decision. And it's not like a pair of earrings you put on depending on your mood.
Sounds like you're the nervous one, and the one worried about the "change".

So, is this more about you, or her.
2007-01-03 2:15 am
Wow. You guys yell at us for "forcing" our beliefs, but you have the right to "stop" your sisters salvation. That is truly characteristic of an atheist, and I wish I knew your sister so that I could strengthen her. Have you ever considered that a fellow atheist you hold dear is converting to Christianity, then maybe it is for a reason? Hmmmm....
參考: If you love your sister, you will respect her decision and not try to live her life for her or force her to do anything, unless, of course, you are Muslim maybe? (Hey, don't get mad, am I lying about the muslim thing?)
2007-01-03 2:17 am
ask her for forgiveness and stand with her whatever she chooses

2007-01-03 2:16 am
If Christianity would mean shorter, more readable paragraphs, then you need to get to church!
2007-01-03 2:14 am
You can argue all you like, thats the beauty of freedom. So aslong as you dont put a knife to her neck and force her to be atheist.
2007-01-03 2:20 am
Mom's a Pagan and she say's that a person who stops another person from becoming a Faith they want to become is no better than the Faith they fear. That person is YOU. You're the one who's afraid of religion or Faith or whatever you want to call it and you have no right to "forbid" your sister from becoming whatever she chooses to be. You're no better than someone who tries to convert the innocent. You're stopping someone from perhaps finding their own Peace. Quit being a Bully and get out of her way.
2007-01-03 2:19 am
This has to be the silliest thing I've seen. You're worried about her trying to convert you while you are trying to stop her.... yeah, this makes a lot of sense. At this point, you are acting no different than the "losers" you're complaining about.
2007-01-03 2:18 am
well if she converts she is gonna be preaching to you so what are you gonna do are you gonna disown her damn bro she's your sister by the way i'm agnostic
2007-01-03 2:18 am
sometimes its ok to lie to yourself. im an atheist myself and i dont get along with very religious people cus most of the time i think theyre ignorant and they think im pathetic. but i dont judge ppl by their religiousness cus scientists said the level of spirituality is in your gene, and youre cursed or blessed by your gene.
2007-01-03 2:16 am
Jesus Clearly Said that whosever Stops my Followers to turne away from me ,it would be better for that person to hand a rope with a stone around his neck and throw himself in the ocean. I would be very carefull if I were you, you will be responsible for your sister at Judgment Day.
2007-01-03 2:16 am
This "." is a period. It's a good thing.

You cannot stop someone from "converting" to Christianity, because it's all about believing.
If she believes in Jesus, and what He has done for us, then she HAS "converted".
2016-10-06 8:51 pm
Oh gosh. it extremely is the age of consent?! Geez i'm so happy it is not so in my united states because of the fact if my sixteen yo sister grew to become into doing something with a 19 i could have him in detention center swifter than you could snap your hands! yet she's 14 and so youthful. there's no longer plenty you're able to do this she'll hear to. She's merely immature yet optimistically the courting can run it is direction and be over with and maybe she would be in a position to earnings a lesson.
2007-01-03 2:40 am
Brother, do not get in the way of your sister as she will become the future bridge for your soul to cross, if you want it. If she finds God the right way (Be cautious that she takes a right path and make sure she doesn't stumble).

A Safe bridge to God is The Southern Baptist , Methodist or Presbyterian or any other denomination that sticks to the Bible.

The safest Bridge is the word of God...the Bible

So let her be or are you afraid of a hidden sin? It must stop if you have one.....


2007-01-03 2:36 am
If you love your sister would you deny her the experience to explore life's avenues? Doesn't she have the right to make her own decisions, whether they coincide with your beliefs or not? What if she decided to become a nun? Or what if she decided that she would like to be an erotic dancer in a strip club? Who are you to decide what she can believe in or not, or what she chooses to do with her life? And as an atheist, why does this worry you so much? What would it matter if your sister wants more out of life than what exists for her now?
And by the way, it sounds to me like you have some issues with females who "think to much". Maybe you should sit down and ask yourself why you are getting so "emotional", and over reacting. Let her be and concentrate on your own problems and attitudes towards your sister, Christianity and women. You need to grow up.
2007-01-03 2:26 am
You are stopping no one,it's her decision and yes if she wants more from life only Christ can give it to her.Chritians are not perfect but just have an eternal promise from Jesus who gave his life for US,even you.
2007-01-03 2:24 am

let her do what she wants
2007-01-03 2:23 am
If it is her desire to be Christian, then there should not be a problem. There are a lot of good values and morals in Christianity. The only problem come when people try to change another person's beliefs to their own. "Live and Let Live."

BTW, I should actually mention I am no longer a Christian. I just support people's right to religious freedom.
2007-01-03 2:22 am
as a non Christian I say...you dont have the right to force anybody to do or not do anything. And not all Christians feel the need to convert. I'd let her know she better not come round talkin religion your way, thats all. Lighten up though, it's her life to live. Sounds like she's lonely and in need of guidance thats been my experience w/ those who convert.
2007-01-03 2:19 am
its her life
2007-01-03 2:21 am
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, let your sister obey the truth of the Gospel. Loose the bands of wickedness and unbelief. If you yourself are too stubborn to obey God and want to go to hell, at least get out of the way of your sister from going to Heaven. Your are acting selfishly and without love that you ought to have for your sister. Atheists on this board are always talking about weak minded Christians and how they just do what they are told to do. Here you are trying to dominate your sister's thinking with force which you have no authority or right to do. All authority in Heaven and Earth belongs to Jesus. You cannot stop your sister from becoming a Christian. Right now I am praying for Jesus to bind the work of the devil in you and your sister's life. May the Lord save you and open your eyes.

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