Can this exist?

2007-01-05 1:38 am
1. invisible
2. inaudible
3. intangible
4. indescribable
5. omnipresent
6. omniscient
7. omnipotent
8. perfect
9. timeless
10. unfathomable

can such a thing exist? what is existance; one aspect of existance is conceivability, like an idea, or language. neither of those exist in any tangible form at their root levels, but they do exist. another aspect of existance is physical; tangible. so can something that it inconceivably complicated and intangible by nature be said to exist? or is it putting this thing into a box by even suggesting that it does exist.

IMPOSS your refute describes santa claus too. so he can exist then?


THOSE of you who say that such a thing exists but only outside of everything (including the universe) i would have to ask this: how can we perceive that it exists then, if it is so far beyond our comprehension? I ask because people insist god exists, but if he does then he is not incomprehensible, nor unfathomable.


SCOTT and what you are describing is an idea. something which exists in the mind. i can conceive of infinity, although i can never find it, nor count to it, nor anything. it is a concept in my mind. does it exist then? infinity? so it IS possible that god only exists in our minds, right? is it possible then that he doesn't exist only in our minds? how? if he doesn't exist in our minds (like infinity) then how do we know he does exist?


SCOTT if man gives god meaning, how can god give man meaning? your points take away the necessity of god. if god requires man to give him meaning then man cannot require that god give him meaning. that is the M.C. Escher drawing of the hand being drawn by a hand that it is not finished drawing. Zero is a concept that exists in the mind because zero cannot exist. just as the imaginary "i" cannot exist, but it does exist in the mind. god, therefore, CAN exist solely in the mind, but cannot, it seems, exist outside of it.

回答 (19)

2007-01-05 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
God conciousness exists. God does not. God exists because God promises us immortality in Heaven if we are 'good'. Religious people do not want to die. They would worship peanut butter if it meant they would be saved from going to Hell.

God creates a weak, sinful creature in His own image called a human. Being sinful, He then expects us to worship Him. God wants us humans, who are 'sinners' -- to love him. Why would you want to be worshipped by a sinner? He then punishes us for his mistake in making us weak and sinful by sending us to Hell if we do not praise him.

I don't get it.
2007-01-05 9:40 am
No it cannot. That is precisely why it does not.
2007-01-05 9:41 am
You need some stupid, you are too smart. Here. Take some:

2007-01-05 9:40 am
Yes its called space
2007-01-05 9:40 am
Of Course.....! God and His WORD...!

(Isa 55:6) Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

(Isa 55:7) Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

(Isa 55:8) For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

(Isa 55:9) For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

(Isa 55:10) For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

(Isa 55:11) So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Thanks, RR
2007-01-05 9:47 am
Such a thing does not exist outside of the mind. Fiction attracts impossible attributes.
2007-01-05 9:42 am
It cannot exist in a natural world. The assumption of a supernatural world has no basis in human experience, which is based on our biology. Therefore, the likelihood of something characterized by your list is extremely small, but is in fact impossible to disprove completely.
2007-01-05 9:41 am
It exists to people who are hallucinating. Drugs and the power of denial of truth can make you "see sounds" and "hear colours"
2007-01-05 9:41 am
existence can only be perceived based on the physical universe (including whatever these physical brains -- based completely on duality -- can imagine). Something that always was and existed 'before' the universe would logically be outside of even what we can imagine. It would be formless (but even that wouldn't get it) -- it would be NOTHING but not in sense that we think of nothing.
2007-01-05 10:11 am
It is a good thing that such a thing exists. The only thing that it is missing is a substance that we, as humans, can see, hear, and touch. However, if it was of this kind of substance, then it could not exist.
To the dreamer, the night dream is real. It is either good or bad. To the human consciousness, this life with all its anomalies, is real, and nothing else could be (or so it seems to logic). As we experience good, love, truth, healings, etc., we are actually punching holes in the present belief of a material reality as being substance and true. Thought begins to touch the presence of the spiritual reality, as it starts to peer past the fog of materialism.
It must be remembered that human thought believes in what it has done and hates to be corrected by truth. It is a difficult battle that must be fought and won before a spiritual awareness settles in for a season or two. To the material sense, spiritual sense is some kind of joke and illogical, while to spiritual sense it is inconceivable that one was ever under the influence of a mortal belief of material substance. To move forward, one must do the work at hand.
2007-01-05 9:59 am
Yes, it both exists and it doesn't exist at the same time. In the absence of something there is nothing, in the absence of nothing there is something. Just because something can't be proven, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. What can be proven? Nothing, all we have are theories. An example would be our whole foundations of mathematics. It is nothing more than a theory because it tries to rationalize the irrational, which the irrational is reality. In the irrational, anything is possible.

Having something and nothing coexist at the same time is like looking at a coin. Lets say heads is something and tails is nothing. Stand the coin up, in between is where the two coexist. The same example can be used for having the rational and irrational coexist.

Edit: God is a theory, because it can't be proven or disproven. Basiclly you could call reality, God(thing?). It is someone's peception of reality that determines whether or not god exists or coexists.

Anything + Nothing = Meaning?

1 + -1 = 0

Even though there is zero, zero in itself has meaning. Zero is the building block, the foundation. Remember the number zero is also made up by man to rationalize the irrational. Man gave it meaning. It would seem God works in the similar concept as the number zero. Question is, does Man give God meaning or does God give man meaning? They both give each other meaning by coexisting.

Edit: That is basically what I said. Man made up zero, which God works in the similar concept as zero. This means Man made up God. The reason Man gave God meaning was because doing so gives Man meaning. It is a false sense of security, since God has yet to be seen.

I'll add more to this later. I know what you are pointing at, but I need to think about how to put it into words. I believe it has to do with energy.
2007-01-05 9:46 am
oh u get confused and youre gonna get yourself killed if u keep thinking about it

"existance" is just a word, some words have different meanings in different languages, some meanings only exist in some languages and other languages dont have a word for it.

so what i want to say is, i dont know, cus i dont hv time to think about philosophy rite now. but try image thinking, or some other kinds of weird thinking, if u write it out or think in words youre gonna get trapped in words
2007-01-05 9:45 am
I cannot say as it is unfathomable. Also I am not sure what you are describing as it seems to indescribable.

The Tao is in all things.
2007-01-05 9:43 am
In an external reality, it is possible.
2007-01-05 9:42 am
If u close u r eye's or ask a blind fella those questions,He will tell you of course.You don;t have to be blind to realize that
2007-01-05 9:41 am
our minds are limited> there is more outside this natural universe
2007-01-05 9:44 am
Well... God isnt inaudible, many people have heard Him. He isnt indescribable, even though we cannot describe Him fully, no one can describe ME fully either. Of course invisible things exist even if they're not God. And all those things can also be used to describe love... so... kind of a moot point.
2007-01-05 9:43 am
You have just described the attributes of God!
2007-01-05 9:41 am

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