
Lv 7
I'm not here to be popular. I'm here to give the best answer I can. I don't care how people feel towards me either, that's not relevant to why I'm here, and the questions asked. I have no respect for those who want to pirate things, or those who aid in the pirating material, such as recorded music, or sheet music, or any other copyrighted works. To vote an answer that condones piracy, and theft over the ones that promotes acquiring it by legal means. Not all sites are legal that sell music or sheet music.
回覆: 3
2021-03-28 8:02 pm
In what Indian language is VEGETARIAN another name for poor/bad hunter?
回覆: 3
2021-01-14 8:03 am
Why is it that people say you can’t gain muscle at planet fitness?
回覆: 22
2020-03-31 8:53 pm
What's the best card game you have played so far?
回覆: 18
2020-02-28 11:59 pm
Are the people who answer questions regularly on yahoo actually highly experienced professionals in their fields?
回覆: 11
2019-09-06 11:17 pm
Does taking small bites of unhealthy food on top of your own healthy meal make you stay the same/gain weight?
回覆: 12
2019-04-30 5:30 pm
How can I develop a more friendly attitude toward the vegan community?
回覆: 3
2017-04-28 12:29 pm
Is 16.9 am okay BMI? Am I fat? I know this this push that it doesn't involve muscle or anything, but should I go on a diet?
回覆: 7
2017-04-10 2:37 am
I have hemp protein here that says it expired in 2015. Is it still safe to put in a smoothie?
回覆: 4
2017-01-01 9:00 am
will I see results with what I am doing?
回覆: 13
2016-12-27 3:24 pm
Do vegans have to take supplements?
回覆: 15
2016-12-23 5:45 am
Vegans: If people aren't supposed to eat meat, why do we have canine teeth?
回覆: 11
2016-11-25 7:57 pm
Why do meat-eaters make fun of vegetarians so often?
回覆: 6
2016-11-20 7:28 pm
Is this a bad amount of food for a 13 year old girl?
回覆: 21
2016-11-15 8:03 am
Is being vegan healthy?
回覆: 5
2016-10-21 4:41 am
Is This A Safe Diet?
回覆: 2
2016-09-10 2:38 pm
Am I loosing too much weight too fast?
回覆: 4
2016-06-12 11:44 am
Is it normal that I m suddenly feeling super grateful towards my parents??
回覆: 29
2016-06-08 5:45 pm
Is it safe and healthy to eat a potato's skin ?
回覆: 1
2016-05-31 9:21 am
Any health concerns with whey protein?
回覆: 17
2016-05-25 1:16 pm
Scientifically speaking,?
回覆: 32
2016-05-21 3:51 pm
Where to get fluoride free water?
回覆: 17
2016-05-21 2:10 pm
How do vegans and vegetarians feed their cat(s) if they have a cat?
回覆: 10
2016-05-08 4:42 pm
Have you ever tried to go vegan to try it, and did you stick with it or decide it wasn't for you?
回覆: 2
2016-04-23 4:13 pm
Do guys grow out facial hair when they are depressed or stressed?
回覆: 15
2016-04-05 6:58 pm
Vegans, how would you avoid starvation in a SURVIVAL situation?
回覆: 6
2016-03-26 7:43 pm
Why is my BMI so high? I look normal....?
回覆: 3
2016-03-20 10:53 pm
Will just a orange and water work as detox water or do you have to have lemon, lime, and etc?
回覆: 1
2016-03-05 10:28 am
Is there a vitamin to help me feel full and eat less?
回覆: 2
2016-02-28 1:57 pm
What should I weigh!? 16 year old girl?
回覆: 24
2016-01-09 9:23 pm
What to say against this?
回覆: 15
2016-01-05 9:13 am
Why do I feel so guilty when I eat store bought eggs (vegetarian)?
回覆: 48
2016-01-04 6:34 pm
Do Vegetarians HAVE to like salad?
回覆: 13
2015-11-30 4:26 pm
Why are vegetarians, vegetarians?
回覆: 1
2015-11-23 5:46 am
Is a cheese sandwich unhealthy 2 slices of cheese on wholemeal bread for dinner?
回覆: 11
2015-10-16 10:18 am
veganism at 14?
回覆: 3
2015-10-10 12:16 am
Are vitamin tablets harmful? I eat one a day and have been for over 20 years. But some people tell me they are not necessarily good for you?
回覆: 8
2014-11-05 11:05 am
im thinking of being vegetarian..should i?
回覆: 15
2014-09-04 8:57 pm
Do you think celebrities should tip more then the standard 20% for good service?
回覆: 2
2014-07-28 4:37 am
I'm a level 6. Why are my answers being limited?
回覆: 8
2014-07-27 4:53 pm
Im a level 6. I answered 5 or 6 questions and was told I had reached my daily limit.?
回覆: 3
2014-02-08 6:05 am
Is it ok to strum a ukulele with a bread clip?
回覆: 5
2013-02-18 2:41 am
is mindy mcready dead?
回覆: 2
2013-02-03 8:47 pm
Can the recordings of remakes (covers) of public domain songs be copywrited?
回覆: 3
2012-08-23 8:54 am
is taylor swift a christian?
回覆: 3
2012-04-18 11:10 pm
Who do you think are the "kings and queens" of these genres?
回覆: 1
2012-02-19 6:57 am
Sheet music for a low price?
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