im thinking of being vegetarian..should i?

2014-11-05 11:05 am
Well im a 15 yeared old girl i generally don't like meat so much from a young age...and i love animals too. Will i get unhealthy if i stop eating meat?how can i take protein?can't i gain some muscle without protein and only working out?(im petite and unfit) what are the advantages and disadvantages of bein vegetarian ? ( sorry 4 bad English hehe ;p )

回答 (8)

2014-11-05 2:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't listen to these people... It will make you a LOT healthier than meat eaters. I'm a vegan and havnt been to the doctor for any reason since 2009 when I was lacto-ovo veg. My immune system is incredible, I never get sick at my stomach from the food I eat like I did before, my skin is better than ever, my hair grows like a weed, I sleep great and have more energy in the day. Eat a well balanced diet and it is the healthiest you can ever eat. That's protein, fats, and carbs. Whole food sources, not processed garbage. That means fat from avocado, coconut, nuts and seeds... NOT from gmo vegetable oils. NOT soy protein isolate, whole legumes properly soaked and cooked. Tempeh is a superfood. Carbs from whole grain sources, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat. Do it right and you won't regret it I promise!!!
參考: Myself, I've done extensive research on the topic for my own health
2014-11-05 12:19 pm
A vegetarian lifestyle does not mean you won't get protein. MANY vegetable and fruit foods contain protein in complete strands that will act just fine in your system. Beans, rice, whole grains, cheeses or milks all contain protein. You won't miss anything by not eating meat. The disadvantage of being vegetarian is that you'll have to watch what you eat and be more careful about getting a completely balanced and nutritious diet--that is not much of a disadvantage really. You should be doing that anyway. If you don't like meat, there should be no consequences at all from cutting it out of your diet and substituting other things that contain protein. Get yourself a good book on nutrition and see.
2014-11-05 11:37 am
If you're not a big fan of meat, and have access to lots of different foods that aren't meat, I think it would be a good idea. But only do it if it's something you really want to do - it's totally up to you. There are lots of non-meat protein sources: cottage cheese, beans, seeds, wholegrains, soy products, eggs. If you include these in your diet in significant amounts you will not be short on protein. Most foods contain atleast a small amount of protein - even bananas and potatoes have a little. The advantages and disadvantages are different for everyone because we're all different. Some feel healthier without meat and some don't. It won't hurt to give it a shot, though. I wish you luck.
2014-11-05 2:51 pm
If you really want to become a vegetarian, you need to do some research on what foods you need to eat to make up for the nutrients you lose when you stop eating meat, poultry and fish. There is lots of information on the internet. You can start off with this excellent website article. It also has links to vegetarian menus, recipes and a sort of shopping list.

If becoming a vegetarian is that important to you, then you should be willing to make the effort to take some of your time to do the research.
2014-11-06 5:09 am
Muscle is made from the protein that you eat. If you don't get protein, you don't build muscle. In fact your body will consume your existing muscle to get protein if you aren't eating enough protein
Because cells in our body are dying all the time, and our body is constantly replacing them. It uses the protein you eat to replace these dying cells.

Now you don't have to eat meat to get protein.
Most vegetarians get their protein from soy (and tofu), quinoa, and eating legumes and grains together.
Also nuts. Eggs. Cheese.
But the quinoa and legumes+grains are the best way to eat you protein.
Veggies have protein too, but not much ... you would have to eat 16 cups of shredded lettuce to get the same protein as a cup of legumes with grains.

Do NOT start cutting food out of your diet unitl you know:
(1) What nutrients your body needs, and how much of each nutrient on a daily basis
(2) What foods supply those nutrients, and what quantities you need to eat

Every weekend, sit down and plan everything you will eat that week. Make sure your nutritional needs are met. Then spend a day cooking up your beans or lentils . your rice, etc .. to eat during the week.

It becomes even MORE important to avoid junk food when you start restricting the nutritious foods (like meat) from your diet.
2014-11-06 2:18 pm
You can get protein from beans, nuts, whole grains. Eggs and dairy too if you are not going to be vegan. But it sounds like you really need to do some research, it seems like you know very little about nutrition.
2014-11-05 2:31 pm
"Im thinking of being vegetarian..should i?"

That is your decision ultimately. Done right you can be just as healthy as those of us who eat meat. The one difference is that you will need to do a bit of research into what you need, in terms of nutrition. However by retaining eggs, and dairy in your diet, you will have an easier time in getting the much needed vitamin B 12. Which is about the only non meat source, in the meat byproducts, that vegetarians have available. Which is a serious issue, and one of the major challenges, and issues faced by vegans.

Otherwise you can be just as healthy with some research, and good dietary planning. Which there is a veritable plethora of out there. However do be aware, that there's also a lot of false information out there as well that you will find, and come across, from those who have an agenda, and promote it. It won't make you healthier than those of us who eat meat, nor will it done right make less healthy, as some who eat meat proclaim. Just strip out any claims made, and concentrate on the important facts, which is what you need to eat to remain completely healthy, and fully functional.
2014-11-06 1:53 pm
It's up to you if you want to become vegetarian nobody can make you you decide
參考: Vegan

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