Why do meat-eaters make fun of vegetarians so often?

2016-11-25 7:57 pm
My mom likes to make smart comments about my diet, calling it "gay, liberal & just weird." It's not like I make jokes about her after she quit smoking for health reasons. I don't stand there and say "You should smoke again, it seems restrictive not to." And there again with vegans.. I have a vegan friend & she gets tagged in videos of frogs getting thrown, animals killed, and smartass vegan-memes. And every time a vegan goes somewhere and someone knows, they go "Heyy, how do you know if (whoever) is vegan? Don't worry! They'll tell you" when they're not doing anything wrong. It makes me mad

回答 (11)

2016-11-25 8:07 pm
Because vegans/vegetarians are different. If you're different, people will make fun of you.

ESPECIALLY if you have a different diet. Humans have been eating together for hundreds of thousands of years; we bond over food. If you can't bond over food with your loved ones then that's a big divide between you and them.

Also, whether we think we do or not, all humans believe in stereotypes. Particularly of those folks who they don't know very well. For example, if you don't know a lot of vegetarians, you're going to think they're gay, liberal or just weird. Because that's the stereotype, that's what we learn from the media and from rumors. If your brain is going to make a judgement about whether you can trust another, it makes up for lack of knowledge by falling back on stereotypes without even realizing that; no, vegetarians are a diverse group of men and women. There are a surprising number of conservative religious folks who are vegetarians and vegans

2016-11-25 8:08 pm
The militant ones ruined it for you. Blame them
2016-11-25 10:35 pm
"Why do meat-eaters make fun of vegetarians so often?"

Not all "meat eaters," makes fun of vegetarians, as your question implies. Those of us that meat is a part of out diet, and who are reasonably knowledgeable, don't ad won't make fun of those, that chooses to follow some type of a vegetarian diet. My only issues are with those, who are militant about it, or act like they know my body better than I do. Of course it's the same with some of those, who are supposedly medical professionals. I understand the reason for your anger, however it's also equally wrong, to paint everyone with the same broad brush stroke, whose diet contains meat.
2016-11-25 9:13 pm
Humans are not meat eaters. We are OMNIVORES, carnivorous animals are incapable of making fun of your terrible diet.

Being vegan is unhealthy and unnatural and our instinctual side knows it hence the reason you are being made fun of
2016-11-26 12:08 am
There are assholes on "both sides". It's perceived that vegetarians/vegans are uptight about their food choices, and in some cases militant that people should join 'the cause' out of some moral obligation. PERCEIVED is the key here, as it looks like your friend is getting **** from people that she's better off blocking and cutting off. Your mother is different. You need to show her that you've thought out your diet and need her to contribute to it if she cares about your feelings. If she refuses you may need to feed yourself for a while to show her you're serious.
2016-11-25 9:51 pm
You must live in a conservative area. I do too.
I think other's just find it "weird" and "ewww tofu" is the stigma vegans get.
I have been vegetarian for 11 years now, and my family still playfully teases me about it. I laugh and move on.
Getting tagged in cruel videos is juvenile and even most meat eaters would be upset seeing an animal abused. That's extremely immature.
2016-11-25 8:02 pm
Since they are healthier, they have the energy to hound you.
2016-11-25 8:05 pm
people are stupid. it's not a certain group.

for example religion. there are christians that dislike non-christians, but even with the christian community they are divided. catholics and protestants

it's like that for everything. gender, ethnic origin, or just skin color, sexual orientation, national origin, etc.
there's division and insults and hate thrown to every kind of person based on anything at all.

and yeah there are vegan/vegetarians that insult meat eaters too.

that's just how most humans are. stupid, ignorant. they insult others and try to make themselves out to be superior.

personally i believe it's some sort of survival mechanism, in order to survive you have to come out on top. they feel like once they've talked trash to you, they feel powerful and almighty, and it makes them feel safer inside. in other words, they're bullies. insecure and weak.
2016-11-27 2:56 am
I know the feeling, people say we throw our beliefs on them, I've very quiet and keep my beliefs to myself and I still get made fun of because people ask me if I'm a vegan and I say yes. Then they ask me why and at this point I never know what to say, if I say why then they will say I'm shoving my beliefs on them so I just now say, I like animals and leave it at that. People are a**holes
2016-11-25 9:23 pm
They have their own opinions and what they eat to them is normal and anything outside the norm is " weird" . I wouldn't let it bother u it's just ignorance already u care about what ur eating
2016-11-26 3:15 am
In families there is a lot of the vice called attachment, which we call love but is really not love. Attachment means you don't feel good when other people close to you do things diferently. You feel threatened by them behaving in a different way. This makes it very hard for somebody to break away from the tribe of family and to think freely. Many people go through their entire lives in the bondage of their family......their culture....their nationality....their religion. True love, as we all know is unconditional love. Why not love others as they are however they are, vegetarian or vegan or not. All human souls are your brothers, regardless of what they eat or their religion, their race, their nationality....etc. It's a bad habit to make fun of anybody for anything....but people don't like difference because they feel threatened by it. Appreciate everyone and give each one the space to be who they choose to be. The dispassionate and very accurate law of karma takes care of giving every human soul the consequences of their actions, so we don't need to judge anyone. That is the beauty of the law of karma, (poetic justice, sowing and reaping, what goes around comes around....etc).

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