Is there a vitamin to help me feel full and eat less?

2016-03-05 10:28 am
I eat really healthy but sometimes there's these cravings I feel like I can't control and j binge. I'm wondering if there's a supplement that will help me eat less and avoid snack attacks ?

回答 (1)

2016-03-05 12:18 pm
"Is there a vitamin to help me feel full and eat less?"

No there is no vitamin, or any other type of a supplement, that can help you feel full, or eat less. What you may need to do, is eat heavier, and denser foods. Most cravings for example can be satisfied, for example, if you want chocolate chip cookie, have one or two, and then stop at that. In about ten minutes, or more, those cravings you're having, will have dissipated.

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