How can I develop a more friendly attitude toward the vegan community?

2019-04-30 5:30 pm
I have being eating meat my entire life, it's not only a habit, but I feel like food that I eat other than meat are only tasty when meat goes with them. Vegetables don't seem to ever fill me up without meat, and they really don't taste good without meat either. I feel like if I decided to be vegan for the rest of my life, I would be living the next 60 years with less quality of life than I otherwise would live with meat involved. I feel very judged because I actively make the priority of having a lifetime of eating pleasures, comfort and practicality over saving some chickens lives. I don't feel like it's worth it, I feel like as an omnivore my drive to eat meat surpasses the right for a chicken to live. Don't get me wrong, mass produced meat involves torturing animals, so I would much prefer organic meat where chickens die painlessly from a single strike of the axe. In fact I would much prefer if meat didn't even come from animals, but they just happen to do so, and I honestly do not find their lives as important. I don't feel like living organisms are all of equal value, because that would mean never washing our hands to avoid killing bacteria which also are living organisms. Even with sentient beings, they are only sentient to an extent, we don't sense and experience life the same at all, and I find it demeaning to bundle all sentient beings into the same thing, we're not.
How can I build a friendly attitude toward vegans that are demonising of people such as myself?

My sister is between vegetarianism and veganism.

回答 (12)

2019-04-30 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
."How can I develop a more friendly attitude toward the vegan community?"

One way to develop a more friendly attitude towards the vegan community, is to realize that they've made their choice to live that lifestyle. Accept it as it is, and move on in your life.

Second realize that many in the vegan community, aren't going to be in your face about what you eat, or how you live. Many of the vegans who has matured, has come to the realization, that they can't convert everyone, and in some cases, it's not the best choice, especially at the dietary level. They're the ones who has accepted that failure to thrive on an all plant based diet, is a very real fact, even if they don't like it.

The third is don't let your personal dietary eating habits taint your view of what and how others eat or believe. It won't be easy necessarily to do. Yet it can be done. There are fairly hardcore vegans in this subsection, yet for the most part, I get on well with most of them.

The fourth and biggest thing is, learn about actual dietary nutrition, and use reliable sources, such as facilities that has done research into diet and nutrition. Look to actual medical facilities such as Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and other topic medical facilities. Also find college institutions such as the University of Maryland, Ohio State University, Michigan State, the Linus Paling Institute of Oregon, Harvard University. Then there are the various government facilities, such as the USDA, CDC, National Institute of Health, and the NCBI.

Not all vegan or vegetarians like or agree with PETA. In fact some have an actual hatred for PETA. Which in some cases trumps my own deep dislike for PETA. I had one more recently tell me pretty bluntly that first PETA would never see a penny of their money, due to how they operate. They said that they had to many issues with PETA, to accept anything that PETA put out.

Over the years, I've learned to set aside both how I eat, as well as what I eat, and used the many years of accumulated knowledge, to try to help those wishing to eat healthy on the strict vegetarian diet, that vegans follows. I leaned part of what I know, from the wife of a friend who was a vegan. I also learned the hard way, that I'm not able to follow even the most forgiving of vegetarian diets, that of the lacto-ovo-vegetarian, where other than the flesh of animals, anything else is open to being eaten. I did that for my daughter's sake, so she'd have meat to have as best possible the best nutrition. I along with her mom gave up meat, but we both suffered what's known as failure to thrive.
2019-05-01 12:50 am
Unless your sister is buying and cooking your food, ignore her veg*nism. She and her diet are not your responsibility.

Research shows that almost 90% of vegetarians in the USA add meat back into their diet. Be patient, chances are it's just a phase for her.
2019-04-30 6:42 pm
1.0 The action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or in order to force them to do or say something.
1.1 Great physical or mental suffering.
1.2 A cause of great physical or mental suffering.

You can only torture a human being. Food animals do not live under *great* physical or mental suffering.
That people "torture" food animals is an "Alternative Fact" -- a Damn Lie.
You cannot demonize me by telling me your lies.
The "vegan community" (AKA your sister) are the one that needs to develop a more friendly attitude.
By stopping the lies.
Except, without the lies, there is not reason to not enjoy life.
2019-04-30 5:39 pm
Help control the troll population. Have your trolls spayed or neutered.
2019-04-30 10:03 pm
You need to check your understanding of the word organic. It doesn't mean the same as humane.
2019-04-30 5:45 pm
One would think that items like pastry pies, pizzas, etc.), pasta, potatoes and rice are every bit as "filling" as meat. There are plenty of very tasty meat alternatives as well as making the best of vegetables. The bottom line is: your taste buds against the needs of the planet (as outlined by the United Nations recently for example). My quality of life has not reduced at all by giving up meat many years ago.
2019-05-01 12:07 am
invite everyone over for a burger festival complete with meat chanting
2019-05-09 4:39 pm
good question!
2019-05-06 10:00 pm
People who choose a meatless lifestyle often do so based on principle of harming life, or have health issues that can be alleviated w these diets over meat. Enjoy your meat if it brings you pleasure, and ignore the pressure.
2019-05-02 12:38 pm
We vegans aren't here to be friends with murderers. We are here to be ethically pure.

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