I have hemp protein here that says it expired in 2015. Is it still safe to put in a smoothie?

2017-04-10 2:37 am

回答 (7)

2017-04-10 12:02 pm
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"I have hemp protein here that says it expired in 2015. Is it still safe to put in a smoothie?"

If you have hemp protein powder from 2015, yes it is still safe to eat, as pointed out and hasn't developed an old or stale smell, or developed some type of mold. What you see on the package, is the last date come, and passed even by a couple of days, the product is no longer able to be on shelves of the store. That date has fooled many people, into believing that once that date has passed, the product is to be discarded, as it's believed mistakenly, that the product has gone bad. This is only true of certain types of foods, that are very perishable. The protein powders generally aren't are that level of being perishable. It would still have some value though. However there's an old adage, that you can apply. When in doubt, throw it out.
2017-04-10 6:13 am
If you kept it in the freezer it would be ok. maybe even the frig. but if it was just on the shelf, its value is gone. just toss it.
2017-04-10 2:45 am
really? The word "expired" actually appears on the supplement?
I bet not.
If its a dry powder and is still nice and dry, no mold in sight and it doesn't smell old, I would say to use it.
2017-04-10 6:02 am
2017-04-10 2:51 am
Nope! Expiry dates are given for a reason
2017-04-10 5:24 am
2017-04-10 5:50 am
It's probably still ok. It's not like it's old meat

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