Any health concerns with whey protein?

2016-05-31 9:21 am
So I workout 3-5 days a week and i drink a whey protein isolate after each workout. Since I workout almost everyday, is it ok for me to just drink a shake everyday? I hear it can cause kidney stones, but is that a direct health concern because of the whey itself? Any health information regarding whey is appreciated

回答 (1)

2016-06-02 4:33 am
"Any health concerns with whey protein?"

The only concerns would be kidney stones, if you're not getting enough of the following to work with the calcium. They are vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and magnesium. Vitamin D3 is a major deficiency issue, along with a concern over vitamin K. The previous recommendation for vitamin D3 was four hundred I.U. a day. However with both the medical, and dietary nutritionists, there's been a push to increase from four hundred I.U. a day, to at least eight hundred but with more emphasis on one thousand I.U. a day. However now the whey itself isn't the concern, but the calcium, if it doesn't have the other three to work with. Also talk with your medical care provider about being tested for a vitamin D deficiency. In the U.S. and in North America i n general eighty to ninety percent are either very low, or deficient in vitamin D. However that said, vitamin D isn't important with just helping to get calcium to the bones, but a deficiency can also cause depression.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:49:02
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