Is it safe and healthy to eat a potato's skin ?

2016-06-08 5:45 pm

回答 (29)

2016-06-09 7:13 pm
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ABSOLUTELY! The potato skins is where ALL the nutrients are. I'd rather eat the potato skin than the potato.
When I was small, grade school, my parents had a garden. In the summer, when it was lunch time....I just pulled a potato up, cleaned it off and ate it. Then I'd grab some tomatoes and do the same thing. The neighbor let us pick anything he had in his this is where I picked my desert. The BEST 'fast food'!
2016-06-08 9:55 pm
"Is it safe and healthy to eat a potato's skin ?"

Yes it is safe and healthy to eat a potato's skin. While it's not much the potato's skin has some valuable fiber that will help to keep the bowels regular, as well as some other important nutrients. I eat the skin of a potato for that reason. I've been doing it for over fifty years, and there are people in their eighties and older that eat them for the reasons I gave. Anyone who says otherwise, is either misinformed, or has subscribed pseudo/crank/false science.
2016-06-08 10:29 pm
Yes, that is in fact the most healthy part of potatos. Also just make sure you wash the skin before eating.
2016-06-08 5:50 pm
2016-06-08 11:48 pm
2016-06-10 5:40 pm
Yes, so long as you wash it first, or properly cook it.
IN FACT, while the flesh of the potato has what's known as soluble fibre, the skin also has insoluble fibre, which is just as beneficial for you.
So it's better to eat the skins as well.
2016-06-09 9:51 pm
Yes it's totally fine!
2016-06-09 6:21 pm
2016-06-11 2:38 am
Yes! Definitely.
2016-06-10 3:01 am
You may think of citrus fruits as the vitamin C powerhouses, but potatoes, including the skins, are good sources of this immunity-boosting vitamin. Potato skins also contain B vitamins, calcium and other nutrients. Potato skins are also rich in phytochemicals. These nutrients are being studied for their potential to protect the body from cancer, heart disease and other illnesses, the nutrition academy reports. And because potato skins contain no fat, no cholesterol and no sodium, they can be part of a healthy weight loss diet. Prepared in a healthy manner, two potato skin halves contain just 114 calories.

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