will I see results with what I am doing?

2017-01-01 9:00 am
I ve started my weight loss battle one more time. Everyday six days a week I make sure to get about 5 miles of activity in. I walk about a mile and a half, elliptical or run for two miles, and go on another walk once I am done. My diet is improving slowly but surely. I ve cut my ties with fast foods although I did happen to indulge in a breakfast taco today. I take in lots of greens, fruits, and nuts. I have chicken usually when I eat meat. I am just afraid that I will not see results. I ve struggled with this many times and I don t know if I can handle another failed attempt. Should I see results? What else should I do? I will eventually expand my workouts and incorporate some light weight lifting and circuit exercises, but is this a good start?

回答 (4)

2017-01-01 9:22 am
"Will I see results with what I am doing?"

When you will see results, with you're doing, is when you avoid the scale for at least four weeks, and sticking to your plans. The reason I say that, is the number one weight loss killer, are weight scales. The ONLY people who have to weight themselves on a regular and frequent basis, are those who have heart or kidney/renal failure. There the reason is that fluid retention HAS TO BE MONITORED more closely.

But you are making a good start, with a healthy program. However while you're working on eating better, the one thing to do is avoid the low/no fat diets. They aren't what they're claimed to be, and also set up for issues, with certain vitamins, and the proper absorption of hem. So make sure to NOT drop below, the fifteen percent of the total caloric intake. Vitamin A, D, E, and K, all need some fats, in order for proper absorption. Something that the promoters of all of the low/no fat diets aren't commonly aware of, or chose to ignore.

Now take the weight loss one day at a time, with small goals to work on. You clearly have a long term goal. That's a good end point. But set some short term goals as well. Depending on the amount that you want to lose in total weight, you can set smaller weight loss goals to work on, then move to the next one.
2017-01-01 9:25 am
It's a great start!!! But understand weight loss is a long process, it will take months to see the end results you want. And there is no giving up, just taking a break, making lifestyle changes for life to get healthier.
2017-01-01 9:18 am
Google your Target Heart Rate. You won't lose much w/o understanding that. Drink 100 oz of water/day, and eat green vegetables.
2017-01-01 9:02 am
You're going to be fat forever.

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