In what Indian language is VEGETARIAN another name for poor/bad hunter?

2021-03-28 8:02 pm

回答 (3)

2021-03-30 7:36 am
  It doesn't come from any Indian language. If anything, it' become an over used worn  out, tired stale old joke. Yet some seem to think that it's a new and original joke. I'm surprised that vegetarians and vegans hasn't turned that joke back on us yet. I know that I could, and in the blink of an eye.
2021-03-29 4:29 am
Doubtful it is from a Language specifically, rather it probably means that 'Ooops, I missed on the hunt, and we have to eat plants.'
2021-03-28 8:06 pm
In Ebonics the word for vegetarian is another name for one who fellates, as in "(s)he don't eat meat but (s)he sho' like da bone."

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:08:25
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