Does taking small bites of unhealthy food on top of your own healthy meal make you stay the same/gain weight?

2019-09-06 11:17 pm
That just makes sense right? Even if you’re eating healthy if you take small bites of other food that may not be so healthy, the calories will add up and you will gain weight or stay the same weight. I don’t know tell me if I’m wrong. A person I know says that if they eat their portion size but eat bites of other bad food it’s okay (to lose weight I mean). I was trying to explain how the calories of the other bite of food they eat will add up but the person doesn’t believe me.

回答 (11)

2019-09-06 11:22 pm
If you add enough calories to gain weight you will gain weight. Pretending they aren't there doesn't have any effect.
2019-09-07 12:35 am
It's true too many calories will cause eventual weight gain. I guess the person you're talking about will have to wait and see what happens.
2019-09-06 11:46 pm
What is 'unhealthy food?' Food is food. There are no magic foods that make you gain weight just by eating them.
If you take in more calories than you use, you gain weight -- whether those calories from from steak or carrots or cheese or cheesecake.

(And denying yourself all 'treats' when on a diet is a great way to fail at losing weight. A good and healthy diet can include some 'unhealthy' foods.)
2019-09-06 11:43 pm
If you take in more calories than you burn, you gain weight. It's that simple.
2019-09-06 11:42 pm
"Does taking small bites of unhealthy food on top of your own healthy meal make you stay the same/gain weight?"

Yes it does mean that by taking small bites of "bad food," into account as a part of the caloric intake, you can maintain the same weight on top of eating a healthy diet. However if it's not, then it can lead to weight gain over time. There are some foods that are calorie dense, and even a single bite can add anywhere from twenty five up to over one hundred calories. Then unless there's some type of energy expenditure, over a long enough period of time, it will add weight. Now while not bad in general, yet as an example take one ounce of sunflower seeds roasted and salted, will add one hundred sixty six calories. That's about one bite, or mouthful.
2019-09-06 11:29 pm
You can have dessert. Enjoy it. Just remember portion control.
2019-09-07 8:33 pm
You are right, ofcourse you are going to increase your calorie intake with unhealthy meal bites.
2019-09-07 9:31 am
No just as long as you don't consume more than you burn you'll be fine.
2019-09-07 3:07 am
if you're eating below than your maintenance calories then you're fine brother. eat healthy food tho
2019-09-07 12:22 am
You're correct, all calories count, and if you eat small amounts of high-calorie foods very often, that will soon add up to entire meals worth of calories. You can still eat those bites of food and lose weight as long as you stay under the amount of calories your body burns, but unhealthy snacks (and every stray bit of food you put in your mouth is a snack!) can definitely keep you fat if you do it often.
2019-09-06 11:26 pm

Gaining &/o losing weight comes dwn to calrie
intake although flks usually eat less when choosing health food optins rather than total
junk fôôd.

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