Do you think celebrities should tip more then the standard 20% for good service?

2014-09-04 8:57 pm
I have read a lot about how certain celebrities don't tip at all- what's your take?
BQ- should they be held to a higher standard then the average person because they are rich?

回答 (15)

2014-09-05 3:57 am
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According to the standard definition of tips, the decision on how much to tip depends on the person who is being served. When a business sets a standard tip, that is the basic expectation, and a person or oersons can certainly tip more, but it would be in bad taste to tip less.
I really don't see any reason why celebrities should be penalized by paying more than any other customer, and to have such a rule regarding that sort of thing is rude. People make a living by the work they do, and there is no reason to penalize those folks or any other folks just because they work hard for their wages too. Being a celebrity is not the most glamorous job in the world.. In that profession one has little private life, let alone having to constantly lobby for those celebrity jobs unless you are really really a money maker for all of those who have invested money to bring that story to silver screen or the littler hDTV screen. Pay more tips because one is a celebrity..I DISAGREE.
2014-09-05 4:43 am
No. Your train of thought is flawed. If the rich are expected to pay more in the form of a tip, does that mean that people with low income are not expected to tip at all?
2014-09-05 1:22 pm
It's up to the celebrity! Why should they have to pay more than anybody else?
2014-09-05 5:58 pm
Celebrities should follow the standard protocols for tipping, based more on service, than income, or for being a celebrity. Setting a standard for celebrities, and/or those who are wealthy, to follow for tipping, is a form of discrimination. Twenty percent is top end tipping usually in many places. What a server receives as a tip, should be based, not on income of the people being served, but the long standing standards for tipping etiquette.

For bad service, bad attitude, lack of courtesy, the standard protocol is either to leave nothing or a penny by itself. This tell the waitress that their attitude service and manners left much to be desired.

For average to good service, ten percent is considered the minimum.

Above average then twelve to fifteen percent.

Excellent to exemplary service the minimum is fifteen percent, plus a penny. A well seasoned server will know that as the penny was placed with the tip, they are being paid the highest of compliments for their service.

Granted not all diners are aware of those protocols today, here in the U.S. I'm now getting close to fifty seven, but by the time I turned twenty two, I had become a seasoned diner, in that my employment, had me eating in restaurants, on a nearly daily I was eating in a restaurant, or diner. I've eaten in places that ranged from no stars to five stars. What looked like little hole in the wall diners to the extremely fancy, as well as some grab and gag places.. In the course of two and half years of travel, within a few months I'd been schooled by seasoned, and expert waitresses, and waiters, on proper protocol and etiquette, for tipping. I've also worked in the food service industry some myself. Those who have. and do work in the food service industry, also know that far worse than celebrities, for tipping, are other waitresses and waiters.

So if the celebrity is knowledgeable in tipping procedures, they will know the in's and out's of tipping. I'll grant some celebrities, need schooled in the proper protocols of dining out, the old school know the in's and out's for proper tipping. As was said, not all celebrities are well off. In some cases some are underwater financially. Others are scraping by barely and know it, but their personal pride prevents them from speaking out. In the end when it comes to tipping a server (the waitress or waiter), the rules should be equally weighted across the board.

Special edit point notation:

It should also be noted, that some restaurants, especially some of the high end ones, automatically include into the final bill a tip , that the customer may not be able to get out of paying which. Which can be thirty five percent or more. So in such instances, the customer whether a celebrity, wealthy, or not, should not have to pay any additional tip.
2014-09-04 9:38 pm
If the service was good, then yes, but not necessarily too much just because they are celebrities. Not all of them make a fortune....!!
2014-09-04 9:06 pm
The fact that they are celebs is irrelevant, everyone should tip 10-30 percent depending on service and classiness of the restaurant.
2014-09-04 9:38 pm
Candy yes they should,but they seem to think they are above all that,
BQ,yes I do but it seems the richer they are,the meaner they are too.
2014-09-04 9:04 pm
Well, yeah, they should tip (10-15% where I live) if it's decent service, but I don't think they need to give someone $1000 just because they have the money. It's their money. They give up a lot of stuff (like privacy. I love my privacy... I could never do it) to have the money and fame that they have, so I don't think they should be obligated to just hand it over to any waiter or waitress. I think it's a lot more amazing when they aren't required, but some do it anyway. Those people are awesome, but it doesn't make the person that doesn't tip a lot a bad person.

Besides, you see them giving to charities all over the place (especially with this ALS ice bucket thing going around). I think I'd rather see money going to ALS than a waiter that will complain about tipping no matter how much you give because obviously waiting is not the job for that person. Ugh. Okay.

I hope I'm being clear enough and not sounding scattered.
2014-09-04 9:33 pm
They should tip at least that or more since most can afford to do so.
2014-09-05 4:06 pm
Probably. I know that some places are so excited to have famous guests that they let them eat for free, so it would be nice to leave a little more as a tip.
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2014-09-05 4:24 am
celebrities arent the richest people that go out to eat, though. i often find that people that have amex black cards do tip at least 20 percent at the place i work.
2014-09-05 1:39 am
beauty every one should tip what there heart wants them to
2014-09-04 9:54 pm
They should at least tip the standard amount. Too many of them do nor tip at all !
2014-09-05 5:07 pm
2014-09-05 7:01 am

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