What should I weigh!? 16 year old girl?

2016-02-28 1:57 pm
I'm 16, and a girl, and almost a year ago I decided to lose weight and I've lost around 41 pounds. I was 180, now 139-140. My goal is to be 130 but I'm not sure if that's good enough. People say my weight loss is noticeable and stuff some say I'm fine right now but there's still some belly fat and I'm not tone. I've always had issues with self esteem and I don't know what I should weigh. My frame is probably on the bigger side, I have broad shoulders but I don't know.

回答 (2)

2016-02-28 2:12 pm
"What should I weigh!? 16 year old girl?"

No one can truly, or will be able to truthfully answer that question. The main reason is without knowing how tall you are, there's no way to give a weight range for a sixteen year old female. But a baseline you can use is about five pounds, for each inch above five feet tall. But also important is your build, which can make carry a bit more than that healthier, and where you don't look underweight. So as an example, if you are five foot six, a good baseline, bottom weight would be about one hundred thirty pounds. This is he best I can do, with the limited amount of information, at hand. However, if you use the edit button, at the bottom of the question, you can add an update with that added information, that will help in giving a better weight.

Edit point.

With the added information, in the comment.I can now give some better information. Then one hundred twenty five pounds is the baseline weight, for your height. One hundred fifteen would still be in the healthy range but slightly low, One hundred fourty would be at the top, depending on the structure/weight of you bones, or skeletal frame.
2016-03-21 1:38 pm

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