Where to get fluoride free water?

2016-05-21 3:51 pm
If you're just gonna try to tell me that fluoride is safe please don't bother...
Anyway, I know all about the filters and those that can are way too expensive, not to mention I'm 17 and my parents won't stand by it. So I was wondering if anyone knows any water bottle brands that TRULY don't contain any fluoride because I tried to find more info and found that a lot of water bottle brands even the expensive ones are frauds... I'm going mad crazy in attempt to find freaking safer water and I'm also getting super angry that the government is screwing us over like this... I plan to actually get epic filters when I live alone and am of age but for know I need to know if there's anyone out there that has found a truly reliable water bottle brand out there that contains zero flouride!!! Thank you.

回答 (32)

2016-05-21 5:03 pm
Don't you think you are being a bit paranoid? Even if you went out into the country and drank water from a stream it would still have some natural fluoride in it just from running over rocks containing mineral salts. True it would be less than that found in fluoridated tap water but it would still be measurable.
2016-05-21 4:19 pm
"Where to get fluoride free water?"

The best place to get fluoride free water, is to go out into a rural area, where people have their own wells, that were drilled. All cities and town now add fluoride to the water, as per policy of what's basically law. But you would need to be able get several gallons/liters at a time, to bring back with you. That way it would reduce the costs of getting it. Also in urban areas, and most suburban areas, you will NOT be allowed to drill a well, as you will be legally have to be connected to the local water supply, as the local municipality basically owns the water rights, and the usage rights in the area.
2016-05-24 4:13 pm
I grew up on well water. It was the best tasting water ever. Never had a cavity and neither did my two siblings. Last ten years have been drinking city water (chlorine, fluoride, etc.) teeth are slowly going translucent and will start to ache if my water filter needs to be changed, my son who I bought special fluoride water when he was young and has only drank city water has had several cavities. Daughter who I got smart with and did not buy special fluoride water and drinks tons of juice has no cavities. Oh not to mention since moving to the city my health which was stellar up to my mid twenties started to decline. ---To answer the regular question you could buy distilled water and add minerals back in (look on Amazon for mineral drops). DO NOT drink plain distilled water you NEED minerals.
2016-05-24 3:21 am
Yes you are very smart to want to get rid of Fluoride. To Decalcify the Pineal Gland (Third Eye/Ajna Chakra) in your brain You need to get rid of fluoride... So Filter or Well water. Also you body absorbs Fluoride when you shower.... Sad Huh?
2016-05-23 6:57 pm
Without touching on the debate on whether it's safe for you, before you go off the rails about the government "screwing us over," ask yourself: what's cheaper?

Not fluoridating the water? Or adding that chemical and then having to monitor the levels and constantly tell people it's safe? Which do you think is cheaper? I ask this question because governments run on money and mostly what people want in general is to be left alone. Things that cost less and cause less hassle are the default option in virtually every case, and it turns out the fluoride in the water - at least in the cases of certain excitable conspiracy theorists - is, in addition to not free, a pain in the butt.

Now, if it's cheaper to do nothing, why do you think they're doing it? Set your politics aside for a moment and try to approach the question logically. What sound reason could there be? It probably has nothing to do with mind control, before you go down that road.

And finally, ask people who grew up with well water - that is, water with no fluoride - what kind of shape their teeth are in. And then ask folks who grew up with fluoridated water.

You can ask me. I'm 48 and I have never had a cavity. I've always had fluoridated water. I haven't suffered any mind control (EXCEPT I'M A ROBOT PROGRAMMED TO TELL YOU THAT DON'T BE ALARMED JOIN US JOIN US) and as a direct result of my healthier teeth, I'm a much healthier individual overall.
2016-05-22 3:02 am
2016-05-21 10:53 pm

Do not buy distilled water. Your body needs minerals and drinking water is the only source of many of them. Your city water is not going to kill you, even if it does have fluoride in it. Go to google.com and search a water store in your area. In Arizona and California they are as common as gas stations, but I don't know about other areas.
2016-05-21 3:57 pm
Smartwater is vapor distilled, there is other distilled brands but smartwater taste the cleanest.

A water filter pitcher would be much cheaper and better for the environment than always buying bottle water.
2016-05-29 4:07 am
Here's the secret that the government doesn't want you to know. If you pour a glass of water from the tap, all you have to do is squirt 1 tbsp of regular fluoride toothpaste into the glass. The fluoride in the water will naturally gravitate to the fluoride in the toothpaste. Let it sit for 30 mins then strain your water. This is the most effective way of removing the toxins from your water.

or just buy distilled water from the store. its about 97 cents at Harris Teeter.
2016-05-25 3:20 pm
Buy bottled spring water it's natural with no fluoride added.

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