Is it normal that I m suddenly feeling super grateful towards my parents??

2016-06-12 11:44 am
I never realised it before but I m blessed with wonderful parents. I don t know my dad s income but it seems that whatever he does earn he s very generous with me. I get £7 pocket money a week. £3 from my mum and £4 from my dad. My mum gives me an extra £10.50 if I do the dishes every day of the week. So I can get up to £17.50 a week. This is only for stuff I want. My dad pays roughly £100 a term for my bus pass, he makes sure I always have at least £15 on my account at school for food. (Every Thursday he tops it up to £25) and he even pays for some of my hamster s things even though she s MY responsibility. As for my mum she s a homemaker. My dad gives her £50 a week for herself and then £100-150 a week for shopping. My mum pays for my makeup which is really sweet of her. I only ask for foundation and powder and I buy stuff I can live without like mascara and lipgloss. They split the money between themselves to buy my hair things. My hair is proper curly and frizzy as I m mixed race (I m quarter Jamaican) so it s a struggle to find legit hair products for me as most don t work. (Rest in comment)

回答 (4)

2016-06-12 3:12 pm
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"Is it normal that I m suddenly feeling super grateful towards my parents??"

Usually it's normal to look back later in life, and feel grateful towards your parents. This is coming from someone who is more than four times your age, by the way. However the attitude of gratitude you have is good. It's not all that common, for a thirteen year old to have that. I've seen many, whine and complain, about how their parents didn't do enough for them. This was something, I also saw, on the old MySpace, before Facebook came along, and then MySpace changed, to a different setup. But at the same time there are many teens, like you, or would even love to be in your situation. Which I don't have a Facebook page.

Now however understand, that while YOU THINK you should have realized this sooner, you had yet to start to gain some level of maturity. A year can make a huge difference. Sometimes it takes years for that to happen, and in other cases, sadly it doesn't. I could say so much more from an older perspective though.
2016-06-12 11:44 am
Continued...Even with all this we go to the cinema and out for meals occasionally as a family. I don't know how they find any money for themselves but when I brought it up they promised me they're doing just fine. I think they don't mind doing all this for me because they know I understand the value of money. I get really good grades at school and letters are often sent home congratulating me. I'm a 13 year old girl. I'm not an only child but my brother and sister have moved out as they're in their mid twenties. My brother recently moved back in but he's paying my parent's rent to stay in the guest room (even though they never asked him to) and has a job. I'm not at all a spoiled brat. I am super thankful for all that they do and I always tell them that im really grateful and would understand if they had to cut my allowance. I just felt like I needed to express how thankful I am. They bring me into this world, put a roof over my head, feed me, clothe me etc and still all this on top.
2016-06-12 11:50 am
its normal, ur so damn lucky! i only get 10 quid a week and for that i need to take care of my baby bro and i am 14. But my parents do pay for my makeup, clothes... however i pay for my junk food or the food in school it so annoying. You sould be rlly greatful, your really lucky to have such parents. And the best bit is that u r greatful and you are not a spoilt brat after all the things ur parents do for u unlike some other girls i know, u have everything but want more and more... its so annoying!! always be thankful for what u have
2016-06-12 11:47 am
Yes, it's freaking normal to be grateful for your parents. Why wouldn't you be?? My goodness, all this jealousy isn't good for me. *Breathes in and out, In and Out, In, Out.* LOL

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