How do vegans and vegetarians feed their cat(s) if they have a cat?

2016-05-21 2:10 pm
Always wondered... How do vegetarians feed their cat if they have one? Seems a bit cruel not to give cats meat.

回答 (17)

2016-05-21 4:08 pm
"How do vegans and vegetarians feed their cat(s) if they have a cat?"

How vegetarians, and MOST vegans feed their cats is the appropriate diet if they have a cat, is one that's meat based diet. To them it's not a matter of debate, but doing the least harm possible, but also with a pet such as a cat, making sure that the diet is appropriate as well. There are plenty of vegans in particular, who will get angry, if they find out someone has a cat, and is feeding it an unhealthy diet, based on some of the reactions, that I have seen here on Yahoo Answers.
2016-05-21 2:47 pm
My cat eats meat because cats are natural carnivores.
2016-05-21 2:22 pm
I am vegetrarian and have a cat
I give her meat
i make sure she has the best diet and food she can for her wellbeing
my primary concern is her health
2016-05-21 4:14 pm
With cat food or home made cat good. Most veg*ns are not cruel enough to completely feed a cat a meat free diet, if they did it can have serious health affects for the cat.
2016-05-21 6:07 pm
Here is how I feed my cat as a vegetarian

1) go to my vet to pick up my special ordered cat food (they deserve the best. My cat is 20 and still healthy)

2) bring home food

3) get bowl

4) fill bowl with cat food

5) place bowl on floor

6) cat eats the food

As a vegetarian, this is how I feed my cat.
2016-05-21 9:35 pm
i think the just feed them cat food, if they understand that cats need meat because they are carnivores why cant they accept that people eat meat because they are omnivores. you would be cruel to the cat haveing it vegetarian and same with a person.
2016-05-22 9:55 am
My feline friend, being a carnivore and all, is fed a carnivorous diet.
2016-05-22 2:12 pm
My choice of diet has nothing to do with my cats. Cats are strictly carnivores that will catch and kill animals if given the opportunity. It's wrong and inhumane to force them to consume an unnatural vegan or vegetarian diet.
2016-05-22 12:44 am
They feed them cat food.
2016-05-21 4:28 pm
Most of them feed their cats commercial cat food, which is made with byproducts from the "factory farms" that they claim to oppose.
Which really doesn't matter much anyway- since vegans also claim not to use or kill animals, owning a cat in the first place is most assuredly not vegan.
2016-05-23 4:00 pm
I feed mine fresh cooked free range organic chicken breasts with a pet supplement added plus one kind of canned food. He is an FIV cat who someone abandoned and he NEEDS meat because that is all he would eat in nature. I personally don't eat meat but for him I made the most humane and healthy choice I can. It's a matter of common sense. :) If the world was the way it should be he would be a wild cat and people would just live off the land around them but as the world sucks I have to do the best I can.
2016-05-24 5:17 am
Ive been a vegetarian for a couple Years now, I have 7 cats and four dogs and they all eat meat, one of my dogs can only eat soft food and not any hard food so he only eats meat, we just use natural animal foods and only buy products that support my lifestyle, animals eat animals, and that's just how they survive.
2016-05-22 10:08 am
Many vegetarians seem to have no problem with meat for cats and dogs, but others will avoid these pets to avoid the dilemma. Most pet food is a by-product of the meat industry. However many vegetarians consider it OK to slaughter animals for other animals but not for humans, which puzzles me as well. Pet food is made from parts of carcases which are not used for human consumption, such as intestines etc, meat which a health inspector has condemned as 'unfit for human consumption' and low quality meat from, for instance, old dairy cows and laying hens who have come to the end of their productive life.
2016-05-23 4:58 am
Most vegan or vegetarians just give their cat regular cat food made with meat, but I've seen some give their cat vegetarian or vegan cat food. I personally don't understand why, considering the fact that cats are carnivores and aren't made to live off of vegetables and grains. I've actually seen that people's cats have gotten severely sick after eating it for years or even a few weeks. Sad stuff.
2016-05-22 4:00 am
Pour milk into a bowl that contain mixture of rice or noodle, egg and vegetable(cut into small pieces), your cat will eat it.
It is vegetarian although not vegan, and the cat will stay healthy.
But at night, you cat mostly will try to catch some mice and eat them.
2016-05-25 4:19 am
My cat loves my organic (whole-fat, grass-fed) yogurt (her morning treat) and cold-pressed/raw virgin coconut oil (I mix it in her NON-wheat/soy/corn dry food - it prevent hairballs, boosts her immune system, improves her digestive health, prevents urinary track infections, and makes her fur coat a poofy super-soft paradise). She is 17 years old now, still energetic/playful, and going strong). She also likes quality, cultured cheeses.
2016-05-23 8:39 am
There are vegan cat foods on the market that are specially made to meet their nutritional needs. The number one thing that cats need in their diet that isn't found in plant based foods is Taurine. The vegan cat foods are fortified with a plant based version of Taurine, and ironically, the meat based cat foods are fortified with the same plant based Taurine, because the Taurine derived from meat breaks down quickly after the animal is dead. Veterinarians also often prescribe fortified plant based diets for cats and dogs with digestive issues.

Vegans who live in rural areas also can let those of their cats who are into hunting (not all are) go outside and find their own food (rats, etc.)
2016-05-23 2:50 am
Some vegetarians eat fish, so they can give their cat fish.

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