Why is my BMI so high? I look normal....?

2016-03-26 7:43 pm
Im 14, girl, 175cm - 68kg. Which is a higher BMI. But I'm basically full developed, I started puberty fairly early. Im 34D currently and have a proper hourglass figure, but I'm athletic (i do lacrosse, basketball, rugby x2 a week and run regularly) , WAY more than my friends; they don't do anything! I have a nice body, slim kind of. I eat fairly healthy, occasionally binging on cr a p, but other than that eating lots of fruit (when its there). I eat healthy school dinners, and full meals at dinner. Only hiccup, that I rarely have time for breakfast, so ill get a panochocola in the morning rather than getting a cake at lunch.

Why am I at the end of the spectrum - 81st percentile? Is it just my body type, or do i need to start exercising more and eating healthier....

I also go to the gym twice/three times a week


im not like ripped or anything xD, but yeah, if i tense my quads you can see them

回答 (6)

2016-03-26 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are an athlete. Therefore you likely have a higher proportion of muscle. BMI is TERRIBLE for athletes, becaue all it does i make a number based on height and weight, it doesn't say anything about body composition. Someone with a lot of muscle is always going to be overweight per BMI.
2016-03-26 9:14 pm
"Why is my BMI so high? I look normal....?"

The problem with the BMI scales, and this is all of them, they only account for the actual weight, and don't take into consideration any other factors, such as muscle mass, bone structure or bone size/density. This is one big reason, that doctors in many cases, dismiss the BMI scales. They consider them at best a guideline, and nothing more. As for your weight, it's within the healthy range for someone of your height. Also remember muscle is denser than fat is, and takes up less space than fat does. As an analogy, take a pound of feathers, and a pound of wood. The feathers and the wood weigh exactly the same, but the feathers, lack the same amount of density.
2016-03-27 3:23 am
"Wendigo" is so right. The BMI scale only considers your weight relative to your height and doesn't take into consideration any other important factors, such as your age, your gender, waist size, or bone size/density.

This is the reason doctors never use it on professional athletes or growing children. For children They have growth charts and for athletes They have body fat scales.

As for your weight, if it's within the healthy range for someone of your height, why are you asking? Probably to hear those tired old lines you see all the time, like muscle is denser than fat so maybe you are just super muscular?
2016-03-27 1:09 am
If your slim figure is all hard muscle, that's enough. Plus the boobs.
2016-03-26 7:44 pm
Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, my BMI is 20.9 and I have a friend that is 70kg and she's still smaller than me
2016-03-26 7:43 pm
doesnt matter how you look

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