Is it ok to strum a ukulele with a bread clip?

2014-02-08 6:05 am

Is it gonna damage the strings

回答 (3)

2014-02-09 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It may not harm the metal wound strings as much as it would the nylon strings, but it could be done. However if you want to use a paper clip, it would be best to use the plastic coated ones or even those made from plastic. However those made of plastic may prove to be a bit to brittle or flimsy. An old credit, or debit card cut into pieces, would be better though. If you're using cheap inexpensive strings, then the strings are more apt to go bad before any real damage would happen.
2014-02-08 2:06 pm
I believe so! Google it if ya have too
2014-02-08 2:39 pm
I don't think that's how you play a ukulele.

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