Have you ever tried to go vegan to try it, and did you stick with it or decide it wasn't for you?

2016-05-08 4:42 pm

回答 (10)

2016-05-08 5:22 pm
never tried. Not interested
2016-05-08 4:43 pm
I tried it but developed a B12 deficiency because I didn't do any dietary research before. I now eat meat again occasionally because atm my health is more important than my morals (I know supplements exist before anyone tells me)
2016-05-08 10:45 pm
I don't need to try going vegan to know it's not going to work for me.
2016-05-08 10:09 pm
"Have you ever tried to go vegan to try it, and did you stick with it or decide it wasn't for you?"

No I have never tried to go vegan, I did however a number of years ago try lacto-ovo-vegetarian. It wasn't for me or my late girlfriend. We both failed to thrive or be healthy with it. Both of us, were quite knowledgeable about the ins and outs of nutrition. At the time money was tight, and we decided that we'd leave the meat for our young daughter to eat. But unlike those stories you may read by some vegans or vegetarians, our climb back to health, wasn't an overnight thing. That took a few months, for us to recover. So if a vegetarian diet, isn't going to work, the much more restrictive vegan diet isn't going to work either. Between what both my late girlfriend, and I knew about nutrition was somewhere over fourty years. Since her passing I've added even more, in the past nearly four years.

So I can say, that either the vegan or vegetarian diet, while they can be healthy for many, simply is not suitable for everyone. However as far as the vegan diet itself goes, I was told by a friend who was a vegan, but also held two degrees, one as a registered nurse, the other as a dietitian, that a vegan diet was not for me. Half jokingly but also seriously at the time said that if I tried to go vegan, she'd have me locked up in Windsor Hospital, a psychiatric hospital. Gwen was someone who on that I wouldn't argue with. Her I.Q. outstripped mine, and mine isn't any short shake as the saying goes.

All that said and done, I'll pull out all the stops, to help someone who is interested in going vegetarian or vegan. That would cramp my style, and go against an oath I made to myself.
2016-05-08 7:45 pm
Eating a paleo diet, but do have a vegan meal or two each week
Giving up meat --- nnnaaaa like meat
2016-05-08 4:43 pm
I done a 30 day vegan challenge. I've been vegan for 2 years now.

Best decision.
2016-05-08 5:10 pm
I started becoming vegan like 16 years ago. I've been a pretty good vegan for 6.
I used the gradual approach. Very gradual. but if did it over again today I would do something like the 30 day vegan challenge.
The gradual approach is slowly eliminating or reducing foods: subtraction. but the 30 day approach and things like it is about adding and replacing - its addition. From where i sit now, it seems like it makes more sense and is easier. Subtracting is about sacrificing and denying. Addition is about rewards and benefits.

Also just discovered that at the bottom of the Cowspiracy website is a link to take the 30 day vegan challenge for free. A $20 value. Watch the movie. then take the challenge. Change the world. Live compassionately.

oh in response to the B12 deficiency - probably BS. Its really hard to develop a b12 deficiency - and it would probably take months if not years. Vegans get all the B12 they need from breakfast cereals, plant milks, and multivitamins. No research necessary.
2016-05-08 4:45 pm
Never wanted to go vegan, I've tried vegetarianism a few times, but I always fell short because I love the texture of meat. If I could find a way to replicate the texture with like... tofu or something I'd probably be vegetarian.
2016-05-09 5:03 pm
Three months on a vegan menu , I lost thirty pounds and couldn't think straight and felt weak as a lamb. It took me three years to recover.
2016-05-08 9:46 pm
Yeah I went for it (very slowly) and stuck with it.

I value the animal's life more than a burger. Meat-eaters don't.

This will be defended by "lol I don't give a sh*t". Then the meat-eater will still insist that they are a *ahem* "good" person.

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