Will just a orange and water work as detox water or do you have to have lemon, lime, and etc?

2016-03-20 10:53 pm

回答 (3)

2016-03-21 3:50 am
"Will just a orange and water work as detox water or do you have to have lemon, lime, and etc?"

Yes they would work just as well with water, and some lemon, or lime or anything else, were there any truth to the whole detox charade. The one answer summed it up well as snake oil. Those detox programs are a farce, and used to get people to believe that there are toxins building up in the body. You do NOT need to detox you body. Your body does this naturally every time you relieve yourself with a bladder, or bowel movement. Your kidneys and liver filter out the toxins from the blood, which is then moved either to the bladder, or the bowels. If you're drinking plenty of water, or about eight eight ounce glasses a day, your body will not only remain hydrated, but also use the water to help with cleansing your body.
It will work as snake oil.
2016-03-20 10:54 pm
It will still work as detox water but just not as well.

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