Is 16.9 am okay BMI? Am I fat? I know this this push that it doesn't involve muscle or anything, but should I go on a diet?

2017-04-28 12:29 pm

回答 (3)

2017-04-30 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Is 16.9 am okay BMI? Am I fat? I know this this push that it doesn't involve muscle or anything, but should I go on a diet?"

No a BMI of sixteen point nine is NOT ok, in fact as pointed out in another answer, Thereby you are NOT fat, and are starting to shows the signs of an eating disorder, and you do NOT need to go on a diet to lose weight, and if anything you need to gain some weight. If you continue top loser weight, you're setting yourself up for long term and life long health issues, and even potentially developing an heart condition, that can easily result in having a heart attack. Yes young people CAN AND DO have heart attacks, especially those who fall into what's classed in the critically underweight class.

Now as for what was in the one answer regarding potatoes, potatoes in and of themselves are NOT unhealthy as SOME love to claim. Three and a half ounces of baked potato with the skin, has a lot more in the way of overall nutrition than what most realize. This is nutritional science based on science fact, and not on what some of the self acclaimed grand m,aster experts guru has stated as fact based on their opinion. This applies to many types of food as well, that are opinion based but nut based on actual nutritional science findings. I read medical nutritional material, and have had to for well over thirty years now.

Here are some things you need to know about the eating disorder, known as anorexia. Anorexia is particularly hard on the heart, as well as all of the other organs within the body, as well as the skin, and hair. Anorexia not only affects the heart, skin and hair, but also the brain, bones, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and other important organs. It also damages the body's immune system. Anorexia will also cause multiple forms of anemia, mania, and also causes depression. Also anorexia can cause females to become, and men to become sterile. Recovering from a simple cold becomes extended, by as much as twice as long. Injuries such as cuts, or broken bones takes longer, as much as fifty to seventy five percent longer. Even something like the flu, can become life threatening, and result in hospitalization. In men it can cause sterility. The skin is also more prone to tearing, as it becomes thinner, and loses its elasticity. The hair becomes brittle and breaks easily, as well as falling out. Also anorexia will cause becoming easily fatigued, passing out, and/or fainting. Along with the different types of anemia, that will develop from lack of proper nutrition. Also as high as twenty percent of all anorexics die, from their illness.

Anorexia caused the death of singing great/legend Karen Carpenter, whose death was ruled as heart failure, due to complications from anorexia. There are other celebrities who have suffered anorexia. Paula Actress, supermodel, and singer, among other abilities Paula Abdul suffers now lifelong complications as a result of anorexia. She and sometimes Ken Carpenter (brother to Karen Carpenter), along with occasionally the husband of Karen, speak on the affects and devastation of anorexia. Anorexics that go untreated rarely live more than five, to seven years if they don't get help. most die within three to five years, with a few very rare exceptions making it to seven to ten years. Angelina Jolie, and more recently hip hop violinist Lindsey Stirling.

Now I'll drop a few numbers for teenagers, and nutritional deficiencies. These by the way are NOT my numbers, and are the findings for the U.S. and many other well developed countries.

Vitamin A over fifty five percent, are below the healthy level.
Vitamin B1, or thiamin over ten percent, are below the healthy level.
Vitamin B2 or riboflavin, over five percent, are below the healthy level.
Vitamin B6 over nineteen percent are below the healthy level.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid, over nineteen percent, are below the healthy level.
Vitamin B12 over fifty percent are below the healthy level.
Vitamin C over fourty five percent, are below the healthy level.
Vitamin D over ninety eight percent, are below the healthy level.
Vitamin E over ninety nine percent, are below the healthy level.

Choline while it's neither a vitamin nor a mineral, but is classed as an essential micronutrient, over eighty percent, are below the healthy minimum level.

Now for the minerals.
Calcium over fourty nine percent, are below the healthy minimum level.
Copper over sixteen percent, are below the healthy minimum level.
Iron over twelve percent, are below the healthy minimum level.
Magnesium over ninety percent, are below the healthy minimum level.
Zinc over twenty four percent, are below the healthy minimum level.

It's for these reasons that a diet of less than fifteen hundred calories is NOT recommended by knowledgeable medical dietitians, and medical doctors. So any diet, that you might be considering one is NOT needed, and secondly will increase the risks of those nutrients and others, turning into blatant, and can even become outright dangerous deficiencies.
2017-04-28 12:50 pm
You're wayyyy below a good BMI. Don't lose any more weight
2017-04-29 6:39 am
You can lose 10 lbs/mo with this plan: ................

Breakfast: Oatmeal or granola with banana, berries and nuts..................

Lunch: Half sandwich on whole wheat and yogurt................

Dinner: Green salad with tomatoes, broccoli, shredded cheese, chicken or turkey................ Stick to fresh fruits and veggies, salads, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, whole grain cereals and drink lots of water. Avoid fast foods, junk foods, greasy foods, sodas, coffee or starches. Noodles, rice, potatoes, bread, muffins, bagels and all forms of pasta which turns into sugar in your body. Eat only what fits in a soup bowl. No second helpings. Never eat in; restaurants: food has too much fat, salt and preservatives. And of course do some exercising..........................

Join a gym; the trained staff there will show you what equipment to use and for how long to get the look you are trying to achieve.

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