Do guys grow out facial hair when they are depressed or stressed?

2016-04-23 4:13 pm

回答 (2)

2016-04-23 7:01 pm
"Do guys grow out facial hair when they are depressed or stressed?"

No some guys do not grow out their facial hair if depressed or under stress, in fact many don't. For some growing a beard, is a requirement of their religious beliefs, others see it as a coming of age. Then some such as myself, grew them for being out in the cold weather, as a form of protection from the cold. Others dislike shaving, which can be annoying, and time consuming. Especially those who have stiff hard facial hair, which is curse, that I happen to suffer with. One razor, and two shaving sessions, and its trashed, the cheap one takes two. With others they look better, with one, or it helps make them look more their age. So the reasons can vary from one man to another.
2016-04-23 4:16 pm
I suppose that could be a reason...personally i grow my facial hair because i am lazy man that cannot stand shaving on a daily basis any longer and i have a skin disease where it grows so it covers it when it flares up.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:13:51
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