Scientifically speaking,?

2016-05-25 1:16 pm
Okay. So in biology we learned about carnivores, detrivores, herbivores and omnivores. My question is that scientifically speaking, if I eat eggs or drink milk, am I still an herbivore since it's not meat? Basically, are vegetarians omnivores or herbivores? Because my friends vegan so she's an herbivore (as much as you can be). I'm not vegetarian or vegan, I was just wondering.

tl;dr are vegetarians herbivores?

回答 (17)

2016-05-25 10:38 pm
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Vegetarian and herbivore are two entirely separate words and definitions. Humans are defined as omnivores thus we are omnivores - scientifically speaking. The fact that we are omnivores (omnivores can digest both meat and plants) can allow us to survive by eating plant items only, and that's where the term vegetarian/vegan is coined. A human who doesn't eat meat.
2016-05-25 1:45 pm
"Scientifically speaking"------- You are an omnivore! you were born an omnivore, will remain an omnivore, and die as an omnivore under current "scientific speaking."

You can eat what you want, call yourself a vegetarian, vegan, or Presbyterian! None of that will change the fact that (if you are human) you are an omnivore.
2016-05-25 2:10 pm
Being a vegetarian does not make you an herbivore. You used to eat meat, or if you didn't you could still digest it and obtain nutrition from it. So you are an omnivore. Meaning you can eat both.
2016-05-25 2:14 pm
herbivores don't drink milk(except some at infancy) and do not eat eggs. You have NEVER been a herbivore since you are human. You are omnivore which is why you CAN eat eggs and drink milk or decide not to and still be fine.
2016-05-25 2:57 pm
Scientifically speaking, humans are omnivores.....meaning we are able to get nutrients from plants and animal foods. See link below from the Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG).

What we choose to eat or not to eat doesn't change our biology. And that's a good thing considering that almost 90% of vegetarians in the USA add meat back into their diet.
2016-05-25 4:25 pm
Scientifically speaking what you eat does not change your classification. Humans are omnivores and remain so no matter what their diet is. Diet is a matter of choice for humans (we are the only animals that are capable of making that choice) but it does not change our classification.

A herbivore eats plant based foods only and can derive nutrients only from these. Although in theory they could eat animals products they would not derive any nutrients from them and may, in fact, sicken rapidly. A carnivore eats only animal products and derives nutrients from them. Although they may eat plant based foods this is often done when they are ill and the consumption of them can cause them to vomit helping them to get better. An omnivore can eat both plant and animal based products and derive nutrients from both but not to the extent that either a carnivore or herbivore does.
2016-05-25 3:47 pm
Your an omnivore because your from a species that in its average diet takes its food sources from both plant and meat/animal.
2016-05-25 3:30 pm
omnivore, regardless of diet.
its a biologically distinction. its about what you are capable of digesting, what you actually eat is cultural.
2016-05-25 3:39 pm
We are naturally omnivores, and I choose such a diet whilst respecting the choices of others. It is possible to live on a veg[etari]an diet, but it needs to be carefully balanced for proteins and micronutrients. Dairy and eggs are not flesh, do not require the death of an animal, so are allowable on a vegetarian, but not a vegan diet.
2016-05-25 1:21 pm
The eating of eggs is carnivorous. So your vegetarian friend is an omnivore.
2016-05-25 5:15 pm
Humans are omnivores and this is testament to the ridiculousness of an only plant based diet.
2016-05-25 8:35 pm
"Scientifically speaking,?"

Scientifically speaking humans are omnivores. Only a few refuse to accept that is is a scientific fact, refuting speaking using non scientific claims. Scientifically speaking it's possible that modern humans could possibly evolve over time, in different directions, in dietary terms, to where some become more carnivorous, others more herbivorous, and others yet may remain omnivorous. Then still others may evolve in a different direction, as to where they live on chemically compounded foods, that the nutrients can more be easily absorbed with an even greater efficiency. But that of course scientifically speaking, is strictly a theory. None of the greater primates now in existence are herbivores, including gorillas, which has been documented "fishing" for ants and termites, by use of sticks, or stems from plants, in either an ant, or termite colony. Now speaking scientifically a modern human, can not change their biological make up from that of an omnivore to that of a herbivore. Such means does NOT exist currently. The only thing a person CAN change in terms of diet is own personal dietary routine, but yet they will still remain biologically an omnivore. Some people do well on a no dairy, eggs or meat diet, then others do not.
2016-05-25 1:22 pm
There are types of vegetarians. Some think it's immoral to kill anything for food,even a carrot. Such a diet is called fruitarian, and is restricted to food items that don't kill the plant or animal, such as milk, unfertilized eggs, fruit, nuts, beans and legumes, etc. But ruled out in this diet are beets, cabbages, yams, wheat and grains, meats, fish, hard cheeses, etc. The lacto-ovo diet allows all fruits and vegetables plus eggs and milk and maybe fish. The strictly vegetarian diet eliminates animal flesh entirely, including eggs,milk and cheese.
2016-05-26 1:42 pm
vegetarians are vegetarians, since herbavore's eat only plants, while vegans eat plants, NUTS, BEANS, and artificial colors and flavors. While carnivores eat meat and plants

That pretty much proves that it is not natural to eat another animals milk
2016-05-25 8:42 pm
Any animal that has incisor teeth is a meat eater and must eat meat at least occasionally or die of a deficiency. A strict vegetarian is a sick vegetarian.

Vegetable material takes varying length of gut to digest. That is why dog foods are different from cat foods. But just eating vegetable matter does not make an animal an herbivore.
2016-05-25 3:40 pm
Vegetarians are not herbivores. If they eat any animal based product at all like dairy, eggs, cheese they are not herbivores.

Herbivores ONLY eat plant based foods. Vegans are true herbivores but not vegetarians.
2016-05-25 1:19 pm

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